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12 common mistakes when dieting to lose weight

12 common mistakes when dieting to lose weight

April 3, 2024

It is common for people to join the gym to improve their health. But, although some deny it, Achieving an attractive physical appearance is also one of the priority objectives .

Playing sports is healthy and provides many benefits not only for our physical well-being, but also mentally. Now, if we want to lose weight, physical exercise is only part of our task. The control of the psychological aspects and the correct feeding will determine our success or failure.

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Most common mistakes when dieting

But dieting is not easy and when a few weeks have passed, it has been proven that the layer of fat that covers the body has not disappeared; frustration and demotivation has arrived.

In this article we explain what are the most common mistakes when dieting .

1. Do not be realistic

Without a doubt, one of the most frequent mistakes is not to be realistic . When we start a diet, it is possible that we are hyper motivated, that we have an idea of ​​what our body will be after a few months and how well we will not feel. But the reality is that weight loss is a slow process, in which you have to work hard; and depending on the percentage of body fat, we will need more or less time.

Lack of motivation is not good, but neither is excess, which usually ends in frustration and, paradoxically, in demotivation.

2. Follow a miraculous diet

And of course, not being realistic is often caused by misinformation . Internet and the digital world has entered our lives with a strong footing. In this context, it is easy to get carried away by infoxication. In addition, the big companies dedicated to the nutrition sector constantly bombard us with messages that send us an erroneous view of reality. It seems easy to achieve a body ten in a month by following a type of diet or consuming a certain supplement.

In the last decades, different diets that are not healthy have been emerging. For example, some reduce carbohydrate intake, or rely on excessive protein intake. The reality is this: In terms of nutrition, shortcuts are not good. This can produce a rebound effect after a while, and the consequences not only affect our health, but our goal of losing weight.

3. Not eating enough

But, besides these diets, there are others that simply make us go hungry . It is true that when we want to lose weight we must consume fewer calories than we burn. But that does not mean that we should go on a hunger strike. We must select foods that satisfy us and consume products with a high nutritional power.

4. Do not eat 5 times a day

In addition, another strategy very used is to eat 5 times a day. In this way we avoid spending long hours fasting, and our body is always well nourished , which will have a positive effect not only at the time of losing weight, but our concentration or our mental state will also benefit.

In short, if we distribute the daily calories in 5 meals and it is possible to control hunger, maintain the body and metabolism at optimal levels and, in addition, allow us to lose weight.

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5. Skip the breakfast

Especially important, and that's why we have to highlight it, it's skipping breakfast. Big mistake! Breakfast is, perhaps, the most important meal of the day. If we do not have breakfast, this fact will accompany us throughout the day. Now, equally important is to dine. You can dine lightly, but do not go to bed without dinner, because at midnight we can suffer the consequences.

6. Do not sleep well

Sleeping well or badly will be crucial when it comes to following a diet or not . If you sleep well, our metabolism will work better. Otherwise, if you sleep badly, you will be tired during the day which will affect your other habits such as diet.

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7. Stressed lifestyle

Stressed lifestyle is detrimental to following a diet . You will rarely get to eat at the right times to prepare the right food, which will result in a total failure. In addition, this will force you to eat fast, which will influence to achieve satiety.

8. Do not practice physical exercise

As already mentioned, sports practice is essential to lose those extra pounds . There are several studies that show that, for long-term fat loss, it is necessary to combine the nutritional aspects with the practice of physical exercise.Without this last factor, you will hardly be able to cause the energy imbalance in a healthy way ..

9. Not being well hydrated

Water is essential not only for life, it is also essential if we are on a diet . The water will help you feel full and burn fat and, in addition, if you play sports you will be hydrated. A good option is to drink water with lemon, which also will give you an extra dose of vitamin C

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10. Do not include fruits

Fruits are foods with few calories but a very high nutritional value. In addition, they contain fiber that helps regulate our intestines and make us feel full. Change unhealthy foods, for example industrial bakery, for fruit is a great option. We will be giving the body a healthy choice full of vitamins.

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11. Do not control sugar and salt

Salt and sugar are not good for weight loss or for diet . While salt is responsible for fluid retention, excess sugar consumption increases insulin levels.

At present, many foods with a high glycemic index are consumed, such as carbohydrates from refined grains (for example, industrial pastries) and sugar. These foods cause hyperglycemia to occur and, consequently, we have a peak of energy and then an increase in hunger. That is why the consumption of slow-absorbing carbohydrates (for example, brown rice) is recommended, which keeps us sated for longer.

12. Eat light products

There is a lot of marketing behind the light products . However, an investigation of National Obesity Forum and the Public Health Collaboration (institutions in the United Kingdom) states that frequent consumption of these low calorie foods can generate as much or more sugar and fat as they in principle claim to eliminate. Therefore, as far as possible, it is better to avoid them.

WEIGHT LOSS MISTAKES » + how to succeed (April 2024).

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