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13 benefits of spinning for your physical and mental health

13 benefits of spinning for your physical and mental health

April 2, 2024

Nobody doubts that physical exercise is good for our health. In the last decade, gyms have been gaining more and more popularity, and although the goal of some is to improve body aesthetics, practicing physical exercise is a healthy habit as long as it does not become an addiction. Did you know that there are people who are addicted to running? You can read the article "Runnorexia": the modern addiction to running "to know more.

In sports centers, a new trend has taken off and its practice has proliferated in recent times: is the "spinning", an indoor cycle method that provides a series of benefits both physical and psychological.

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Brief history of spinning

Three days after arriving in the United States from South Africa in 1979, Johnny Goldberg was the victim of a robbery at a hotel in Santa Monica where he was staying. Virtually penniless due to the incident, he found himself without work. Johnny Goldberg, better known as Johnny G today, persuaded the owners of a gym to give him the opportunity to work as a personal trainer, having been a personal trainer for years in a gym in Johannesburg. Was lucky! And shortly after arriving in the US he was already working on what he liked.

When his situation had stabilized, He started practicing cross-country, a specialty of mountain biking , and competed in several events. Goldberg spent hours and hours in his garage doing training with his bike on a roller; however, this method seemed boring. To motivate himself, he played music so that his workouts were more enjoyable and fun. He noticed that his physical condition improved at the same time that he had a good time and he told his friends, who began to meet in his garage and trained all together to the rhythm of the music.

But Goldberg found him stuck on the roller, so in 1997, he ordered the construction of a static bicycle similar to the bicycle he used for the competition, which he would call "sprinter". This is how this phenomenon of fitness was born , which spread rapidly throughout the West Coast of the United States, and eventually the rest of the planet.

Aerobic or anaerobic training?

Spinning is an activity that takes place in a group and that is directed by a monitor. This training program is carried out on static bicycles, which are different from the classic stationary bicycle, because it has a disk of inertia that makes it, even if we stop pedaling, keep moving. This feature helps to make the pedaling more natural and does not get stuck in the knee when performing the push.

It is common to speak of spinning as an aerobic work; however, sessions of this sport may contain cardiovascular endurance work, speed training and interval work, so Anaerobic training is also part of this method .

The spinning hooks, mainly because you sweat and work a lot, it's fun and motivating, each one regulates its resistance according to its physical condition and the movement is quite mechanical and simple, unlike what a step session can be. aerobics.

The benefits of spinning

If you are thinking about getting started in this practice, pay attention to the following lines. Below you can find a list with the 13 benefits of spinning.

1. Low impact for joints

The spinning is considered a low impact sport, so it is possible to benefit from the training without the joints or knees suffer. Even, its practice is recommended for those who suffer arthritis, according to a study by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

2. Reduce the risk of injuries

Unlike, for example, running on asphalt or practicing crossfit, low-impact modalities are less likely to cause injuries. Studies show that this type of activity continues to be equally beneficial for improving fitness levels, cardiovascular health or improving sleep quality. Also, being an exercise with a repetitive movement pattern, it's safer than other directed classes like aerobics .

3. It improves the health of the heart

A good way to make the heart work healthier is by practicing spinning. Studies show that helps improve cardiovascular fitness considerably and, in addition, strengthens our vital organ, improves heart rate and lowers blood pressure.

4. Stress stress

Spinning helps reduce stress and relieve stress, so It is ideal to practice after a hard day of work . Likewise, like any form of physical exercise, the daily practice of spinning reduces the levels of cortisol, a hormone that is released in response to stress. This sports practice improves our body's ability to deal with the tension and negative consequences of this phenomenon.

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5. Help to lose fat

The spinning It is an ideal training to burn calories , because depending on the intensity it is possible to burn up to 700 kcal in a session. In addition, interválico training causes that not only we burn calories during the session, but also after the exercise.

6. Increase self-esteem

Physical exercise It can make you feel good and help you see yourself better , which means that the perception you have of you will be positive and, consequently, can increase your self-esteem. According to the First Barometer on the Movement in Spain made by 'Rexona, physical exercise makes us feel good physically and allows us to feel more confident and confident. Yes, without obsessing.

7. Produces happiness chemistries

Spinning releases a series of chemicals in our brain, like endorphins or serotonin . Endorphins are responsible for making us feel energetic and lively after practicing sports; and low serotonin levels are associated with depression and negative moods. Studies show that physical exercise increases the levels of these neurochemicals.

  • Related article: "Serotonin: discover the effects of this hormone on your body and mind"

8. Help to sleep better

Serotonin not only improves mood, but also favors the production of melatonin , which is the hormone related to sleep. Therefore, practicing physical exercise also helps you sleep better, as revealed by a study from Duke University. Thanks to the spinning, we achieve a peaceful sleep and we will improve the quality and quantity of it. Of course, it is convenient not to practice it shortly before going to sleep.

9. Improve the immune system

Spinning strengthens the immune system and protects against certain types of cancer. A group of researchers found that sports practice increases the number of cells in the body's immune system , and although the effect is only temporary, the regular practice of physical exercise protects against viruses and bacteria that can cause complications for our health.

10. Improve the resistance

Although many factors influence sport performance, it is evident that resistance plays an important role in sport. Being an interval training, spinning improves endurance both aerobic and anaerobic . Even if you are not an athlete, you will notice this on a daily basis, for example, when climbing stairs or walking to work, because you will be less tired.

11. Tones legs, glutes and abs

In the spinning sessions not only resistance is worked, but also also improves muscle tone , especially in the core area, buttocks and legs. When we increase the resistance on the bicycle, the same effort is made as if we were climbing a hill, which favors the development of the muscles of these areas.

12. Improves interpersonal relationships

The spinning is done in a group, something that can be very motivating. Further, this is a good opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. As our self-confidence improves and we have more contact with some people, the more we interact. The music of the spinning classes and the fun and active atmosphere stimulate social relationships.

13. Strengthens bones and joints

With spinning, not only will muscles such as the gluteals or the hamstrings be strengthened, but the bones, tendons and ligaments that surround these muscles will also be strengthened. This is also positive if other sports are practiced , because it reduces the risk of injuries.

13 BENEFITS OF SPINNING Class For Health (April 2024).

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