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36 signs that will help you detect if you are in a toxic courtship

36 signs that will help you detect if you are in a toxic courtship

April 5, 2024

Relationships can be complicated and going through bad times, but sometimes crises are too frequent and the partner's malaise is too long lasting.

It is about relationships in which the personality of the members, the lack of trust between them, the excess of control or the lattice they turn the couple into a toxic courtship .

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Signs to know if you are in a toxic courtship

Often, people who are in a relationship of these characteristics are not aware of it, due to habit and inertia, or are not able to put an end to it. Therefore, in this article I have prepared a list of signals that will allow you to detect if you are in a toxic relationship

However, it should be noted that all At some point in our lives we can go through a bad stage , and the same happens in relationships. So even if some of these behaviors are manifested at some point in time, it does not necessarily mean that it is a toxic courtship. Moreover, in many cases, couple relationships can regain stability thanks to couples therapy.

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Approval of love and lack of confidence

Toxic courtships are often characterized by a lack of trust by one of the two members of the couple, which makes it difficult for the relationship to stabilize . Low self-esteem or excessive emotional dependence also cause the relationship to be unhealthy. Some signs can be:

1. You do not feel able to trust your partner when it comes to reveal something sensitive or to talk about your emotions.

2. Your partner or you seek constant approval of love, because you are not comfortable with your life.

3. There is great emotional dependence or emotional codependence for your part and / or yours

4. You never seek emotional support from your partner because you do not feel understood or understood.

5. Your partner does not consider your emotions and your relationship lacks moments of intimacy or emotional connection .

6. It can treat you with excessive paternalism hindering a healthy development of the relationship.

Control attitudes

It is frequent that the relationships in which there is an excess of control are toxic, because the communication does not flow and one prohibits the person to be free and have their own way of thinking. Control attitudes include:

7. Keep track of your bills and your financial expenses, and ask for constant explanations about any expenses.

8. Since it constantly controls you and is aggressive or aggressive, you avoid telling your problems by the way you react.

9. Decisions that affect both are made by him or her. Does not take your opinion into account .

10. Control your social networks and your conversations over the phone.

11. Try not to tell your problems to someone outside the relationship (for example, your family) in case your partner finds out.

Constant conflicts

Poor communication and toxic behaviors create conflicts constantly. The atmosphere of the relationship is not tolerant and does not encourage reconciliation . Some examples are:

12. The lack of communication causes constant conflicts between both.

13. You feel exhausted or exhausted when you should feel happy to have the partner you have. This affects you in the different spheres of your life: work, your relationships with others, etc.

14. You live a hostile environment . You know you should not be in that environment but you always end up coming back.

Lattice attitudes

Control over the partner and insecurity leads to lattice attitudes and behavior, which makes the couple unhappy. Both members suffer, and these behaviors may include:

15. Rush into anger when you spend time with friends and family.

16. Frequently ask about your schedules and question your version of events.

17. When you meet someone of the opposite sex, your partner gets angry.


A relationship it can not be healthy when there is a lack of respect . Trust and respect are basic pillars of any healthy relationship. In toxic couples these behaviors can appear:

18. He insults you regularly.

19. Does not respect your opinion and underestimate your words, in public or in private .

20. Do not pay attention to your achievements, and do everything possible to downplay your merits.

21. It is such a lack of respect, that even in front of other procuras not to give your opinion since you are afraid of what I can tell you.

22. He is constantly criticizing your way of dressing and the way to behave.

2. 3.Never forget the mistakes you have made in the past, so it takes them out again and again as soon as possible.

24. He not only humiliates you in private, but also in public.

25. Your partner is not interested in things going well for you.

26. Your partner is more aware of receiving than of giving . It is an asymmetric relationship.

Toxic attitudes in the sexual sphere

Sex is related to the well-being of couples, and there are many studies that corroborate this hypothesis. However, it is not a question of the amount of sex, but of the quality of intimate relationships. In toxic relationships these behaviors can appear:

27. Your partner does not make you feel good about your body and your privacy, and does it on purpose.

28. You often have sex without wanting to, just to please and avoid their anger.

29. It causes you to perform sexual behaviors that you do not really want because you use blackmail to achieve it.

30. Frequently compares you to your ex-partners so that you feel bad.

Conduct of blackmail and manipulation

Emotional blackmail is characteristic of toxic dating, and it is a very harmful but silent form of mistreatment in the couple. In the article "Emotional blackmail: a powerful form of manipulation in the couple" deepens this topic. This psychological manipulation can manifest itself in the following ways:

31. When you act to do yourself a favor, seek immediate compensation.

32. If you do not do what you want, get angry easily and you throw it in your face.

33. You feel underestimated or belittled and continually tells you that you are nothing without him or her .

34. Never give in the discussions. Either he or she has the reason or the fight gets out of hand. .

36. He blames you for his failures , even those outside the relationship, for example, at work,

Research three vital courtship choices! (April 2024).

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