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50 ways to lose weight healthily

50 ways to lose weight healthily

April 2, 2024

The main goal to practice physical exercise regularly and eat healthy should always be the physical and mental well-being of the person.

Sometimes, the welfare goes through losing those extra kilos, because overweight and obesity are two highly damaging conditions for our health. In this article we give you some tips that can help you lose weight , but remember that the loss of weight in the long term and, therefore, the maintenance of it, includes three types of variables: physical, nutritional and psychological.

  • When we talk about obesity there are different types. Visit our post "Types of obesity: characteristics and risks" to be well informed.

Diet yes, but healthy

And it is that the investigations in this line of action, speak of the importance of combining these three factors, which can not be understood separately. For example, emotional state will influence our physical performance or adherence to diet , or physical exercise without proper nutrition will not allow the goal of losing weight to be fulfilled, because for this to happen there must be a caloric imbalance: the consumption of calories must be lower than its burning.

Regarding diet, it is necessary to understand that we live in an era in which many of the foods we consume go through different chemical processes and are sold in large quantities to maximize their profitability. So it is necessary to educate ourselves in the nutritive aspects not only to lose weight, but to feed ourselves properly. At the end of the day, we are talking about health, and losing weight should never be an obsession.

  • If you want to know what kind of diet fits you and at the same time positively affects your health, take a look at this article: "The 4 types of healthy diets to be in top shape"

Do not forget to practice exercise

The key, therefore, is to combine the correct diet with the correct physical exercise . And I say correct because it is possible to train and not see results, either because we stagnate and do not improve or simply because of misinformation about how to train to achieve the goals we propose. The reality is that you have to do sports if you want to lose weight and improve your health, because the caloric mismatch should not occur because you live in "fasting mode" or eat only salads.

  • Related article: "Sport 5 exercises to tone your body in 20 minutes"

Tips to burn fat and lose weight

This article is designed precisely for that reason, to avoid misinformation. In the following lines you can find 50 tips to lose weight and lose weight in a healthy way.

1. Do not go to the supermarket to eat hungry

Scientific data shows that going to the supermarket on an empty stomach does you a disservice. Hunger will cause a "carving effect" or querencia syndrome, so you will be more likely to buy foods with high doses of sugar .

2. Reduce sugar consumption

You should avoid refined carbohydrates as much as possible and of sugary products (with a high glycemic index), because they cause hyperglycemia and cause the level of glucose in the blood to increase rapidly, which causes the release of insulin and, consequently, the storage of glucose in the form of fat.

3. ... and salt

Consuming excess salt produces fluid retention and, consequently, weight gain.

4. Train in the morning

If you can, train in the morning . Maybe after a long day at work, look for any excuse not to do it.

5. Be realistic

Excessive motivation is just as harmful as lack of motivation, because it can cause frustration, so we decide to abandon our objectives ahead of time.

6. Train strength

Strength training causes your basal metabolism to increase. That is, when you rest, you burn more calories.

7. Yogurt, which is Greek

Greek yogurt is rich in proteins and proteins are slow digesting , this means that you will stay satisfied for longer. It also provides iodine, which is vital for the thyroid and since the thyroid is responsible for processing and storing fats; and contains vitamin D and calcium, which fight the effect of cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes you to accumulate fat in the abdominal area. Better if you are skimmed.

7. Make cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is necessary to lose fat . For this, it is necessary that you do it at an intensity of 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

8. Better mixed training

However, the best results are produced by combining both forms of training: cardio and strength.

9. Do routines that include the entire body

Routines that include whole body exercises are better for burning fat.

10. Make circuits

Exercise circuits have proven to be one of the best ways to burn fat.

11. Free yourself from anxiety and stress

Anxiety causes you to eat more than the account and stress, that you are not able to follow a routine and healthy habits.

12. Dedicate time

Therefore, instead of working, working and working, take time for yourself. Even if it is necessary to include it in your daily planning.

13. Practice the burpee

Include the burpee in your exercise routine, as it promotes fat loss and helps tone.

14. Eat fish (with Omega 3)

Comer fish will provide you with protein and, in addition, healthy fat . According to the British Journal of Nutrition, fish helps you burn more calories and allows you to be more full.

15. Put little food on the plate

If you put a large amount of food on the plate, you will probably eat more. So avoid putting on too much food and consuming unnecessary calories.

16. Control calories

If you do not control what you eat, you are also more likely to overeat.

17. Plan it

If you do not plan the training and what you are going to eat, you will not see results.

18. Exercise with a friend

Training with a friend will encourage your motivation and your adherence to training.

19. Fill the pantry with what you need

If going to buy hungry is going to hurt you, it will also make you have the pantry full of unhealthy foods.

20. Drink water

Water is necessary to be well hydrated during training . You can drink it with lemon and so you benefit from the vitamin C provided by this citrus.

21. Remove from your sight what you will not eat

Having the food pantry that you should not consume is bad for weight control, but so is having food in sight.

22. Start with a salad

Starting the meal with a salad will help you fill up sooner. The salad is a dish with low caloric content.

23. Increase your NEAT

NEAT is the physical activity we do without the purpose of sports. For example, walking to work, climbing stairs, etc. If you want to lose weight, increase it.

24. Become aware of your diet and find out

Information is power. That's why articles like this are so useful.

25. Buy yourself a heart rate monitor

If you want to know in what interval of the maximum heart rate you are moving, buy a heart rate monitor.

26. Avoid light foods

Experts warn that light foods can have as much or more salt or sugar as the products they intend to replace.

27. Rest

To recover and function the body needs rest. So do not over-enter sleep between 6-8 hours a day.

28. Have a clear objective

Your objective must be clear and also measurable. This will also allow you to see the results and it will serve as feedback.

29. Drink green tea

Green tea is a healthy alternative to coffee that accelerates metabolism and is full of antioxidants . This infusion contains antioxidant ECGC, which helps burn fat and prevents its formation.

30. Eat protein

Proteins help repair and build muscle, and this speeds up the basal metabolism. So we burn more when we are at rest.

31. Eat cayenne

Cayenne contains capsaicin, which accelerates the burning of fats in your body.

32. Eat pasta and brown rice

Pasta and brown rice are complex carbohydrates, and therefore the body absorbs them more slowly. You leave sated longer and are high in fiber.

33. Eat vegetables and vegetables

They are foods with low caloric content and are full of vitamins and minerals.

34. Eat more fruit

Eat more fruit , precisely for the same purpose as the previous point

35. Eat 5 times a day

It is better to eat 5 times a day in moderate amounts than to eat 3 times and as a binge. It keeps you sated longer and your body burns more in this way.

36. Take apple cider vinegar

Acidic foods, such as apple cider vinegar, increase the burning of carbohydrates by up to 40% . Scientific studies show that specifically this vinegar vinegar is ideal for burning fat.

37. Eat foods rich in fiber

Fiber is essential to regulate good bowel function and makes us feel full.

38. Oatmeal breakfast

Breakfast with oatmeal is a good option for breakfast . Oatmeal is a rich fiber food that speeds up the metabolism and is ideal to feel satiated longer. In addition, it is a cereal rich in proteins, minerals and antioxidants.

39. ... and with eggs

An investigation of Journal Nutrition Research He showed that eggs for breakfast make us feel full up to three hours later and that we burn calories for next 24 hours.

40. Beware of diets

Losing weight is a slow and labor-intensive process. Miracle diets that promise quick results usually cause a rebound effect later on.

41. Do yoga and pilates

Yoga and Pilates help to stabilize the core, that is, the abdominal area.

42Avoid soft drinks

Soft drinks are drinks with a high sugar content.

43. Moderates alcohol consumption

Alcohol is considered a food with zero nutritional value, but which provides calories.

44. Take a day to not think about diet

To keep the motivation high for the rest of the week, it is fine to leave the diet for a day.

45. Keep track of your results

Measure your strength increase, your resistance, your weight, etc. So you can see how you are improvising.

46. ​​Breakfast

One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast . Do not avoid it because it will affect you the rest of the day.

47. Take nuts

The nuts contain a high content of fat, but it is unsaturated fat, that is, healthy.

48. Meet the quinoa

Quinoa is a cereal that contains high quality proteins, and is considered a complete source of amino acids. It helps to create muscle and lose weight.

49. If you have a dog, take him for a walk

Taking the dog for a walk is a good way to stay active and burn extra calories.

50. Light dinner

A useful strategy to lose weight is to eat from more to less . Breakfast should be the strongest meal and dinner the lightest.

How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).

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