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54 phrases of Salvador Allende to know his thoughts

54 phrases of Salvador Allende to know his thoughts

March 29, 2024

Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (1908 - 1973) is surely, after Fidel Castro or Che, one of the most important socialist politicians in Latin America of the late twentieth century. Having studied medicine at the University of Chile, he showed interest in ideology of a leftist character.

Salvador Allende was co-founder and later General Secretary of the Chilean Socialist Party, until he became president in 1973, when he was assassinated as a result of a coup d'état by the Military Junta of Augusto Pinochet to establish a dictatorship supported by the United States.

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The most famous phrases of Salvador Allende

Below you will find a selection of the most famous phrases of Salvador Allende .

1. History is ours and the people do it

Allende was always committed to the popular struggle.

2. In a new year it would be very nice to tell you that everything will be easy; unfortunately it is not like that

The mandate began in convulsive times and with fierce opposition.

3. Being young and not being revolutionary, is a contradiction until biological

This was how the president saw what it was like to be young.

4. You have to explain to people why this happens (shortage)

It was one of the great tricks that had to overcome the socialist government.

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5. I would resign if the workers and the workers of Chile so sued me

Salvador Allende he declared himself a subject of the working class .

6. There will not be a President who commits suicide, because the people will know how to respond

The pressure on the president became such that he made him utter such words.

7. Never before have people had purchasing power and it turns out that industries were not related to the delivery of their products

Despite the income that the town had, the Chilean country suffered a blockage of goods.

8. A punishment to the cowardice and violence that traditional sectors put in campaign

The big transnational corporations were the government's first enemy.

9. There will not be a fratricidal war because the Government and the people will prevent it

First of all, Allende was a pacifist . He never wanted to face guns against anyone.

10. My predecessors, in six years, never named a worker at all

Clear and concise.

11. They want to make workers believe that companies should be their property

Habituals were his criticisms of entrepreneurs.

12. Workers of Chile: the winter is ending and promising economic horizons appear before us

Thus he warned the people of the future.

13. They are told that they must be owners of copper, coal, saltpeter. How the country would go!

Chilean natural resources were always in foreign hands.

14. These are my last words and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain

He died firm with his ideas and convinced of his legacy.

15. A worker without work, is a man who has the right to work and we must give it to us

For Allende, the priority was the welfare of the workers.

16. It does not matter if a worker is or is not a Marxist, it does not matter whether he is a Christian or not, it does not matter that he does not have a political ideology

Surprising statements, showing tolerance to all workers.

17. The revolution is made by the people, the revolution is made, essentially, by the workers

The people are the possessor of their destiny.

18. Is it fair for man to put one foot on the moon? Or would it not be more fair for the big countries to put their feet on the ground and realize that there are millions of people who are unemployed and suffering from hunger?

With this phrase he declared his concern about unemployment .

19. The revolution does not pass through the university, and this must be understood, the revolution passes through the masses

If there is no union, there is no struggle or freedom.

20. I address the youth, those who sang and delivered their joy and fighting spirit

Even with his advanced age, he trusted all his knowledge to future generations.

21. The man of the industrial countries has reached the moon dominating nature

He was very critical of the industrialized powers.

22. History will judge them

The story, never lies.

23. Long live Chile! Long live the town! Long live the workers!

Euphoric as always, that was the end of most of his rallies.

24. I am more and more partisan of women

Salvador Allende pioneered feminism in Latin America.

25. Know that the great avenues will be reopened where the free man passes, to build a better society

He always appealed to a promising future.

26Workers of my Homeland: I have faith in Chile and its destiny

He always stayed confident and excited about his political project .

27. We want a dignified, independent and sovereign future

These are typical values ​​of socialism.

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28. The Chilean population will now give us the responsibility to put it into practice and materialize what Chile deserves

He never felt above his own. He put the town first, always.

29. Other men will overcome this gray and bitter moment where treason seeks to impose itself

Treason was one of the causes of his murder.

30. The people must be alert and vigilant, always

For Allende, the town was the government.

31. With the difficulties of those who walk in an old car, we go from tumbo to tumbo, but moving forward, advancing

The constitution of the new government it meant one tumult after another.

32. History will discover the liar

The truth always rises above the lie.

33. I am an intellectual, but also a soldier loyal to his people

Although he came from an intellectual and middle class family, he was always true to his socialist ideas.

34. The people are stronger than the economy

Economy versus sovereignty, capitalism versus freedom.

35. No intellectual has authority over the professional

In this way he showed his support to the most disadvantaged classes.

36. Youth will live even if I die

Knowing his last days, he delivered this message from the Palacio de la Moneda.

37. They will make you believe that you are not right. Defend yourself

They, the economic power.

38. Treason is the worst of enemies, the worst rival to fight

Once again, the betrayal reappears among his warnings.

39. We will have to believe it for the people to believe it

Allende tried hard to convince his project of his project.

40. The worker has to be the owner of his effort

Once again, the worker is the epicenter of their struggle and ideas.

41. We are facing a frontal conflict over large transnational corporations and states

The events in Chile were purely economic in nature.

42. It is all the politics of the world that is being enslaved

Globalization was a burden in the eyes of Salvador Allende.

43. It is our confidence that increases faith in humanitarian values

Without conviction there is no progress.

44. Here there is no Prague spring, it is Chilean

Chile was experiencing a historic moment.

45. I will pay with my life my loyalty to the people

Another show of loyalty to his cause.

46. ​​Poor Pinochet, he must be imprisoned

That's how Salvador made fun of his political adversary.

47. Thank you, fellow, friend, commander of Latin American hope, Fidel Castro

As we saw earlier, Allende joined the Latin American socialist revolution .

48. I invite Fidel to Chile because I feel like it. I own the house and invite who I want

With this exuberance he showed his admiration for the Cuban leader.

49. They arrived in powerful cars, young people who never worked

In this way Allende criticized his political opponents (wealthy upper class)

50. I am not the president of all Chileans, I am not a hypocrite

Even with all the majority support he had, he was always humble.

51. The Soviet Union, we call it Big Brother

He never hid his Marxism and predilection for the USSR .

52. I'm not blind. I have normal eyesight and normal habits

He received harsh criticism of the policies he wanted to implement.

53. The university political leader is also a good university student

For Allende, being an academic by profession, he did not suppose any moral authority.

54. The man of the developed countries has reached the moon dominating nature

The human being always wants to control everything.

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