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8 apps to improve your life

8 apps to improve your life

March 28, 2024

New technologies can help us in many aspects of our life. We facilitate the day to day buying time placing orders online, when choosing what we eat a day that we are with friends and can even become key to improving our lives.

With the arrival of smartphones, too the options have grown to have apps that help us be happier and to find mental as well as physical well-being. We can carry these mobile applications in your pocket, which allows us to use them anytime, anywhere.

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The best apps to improve life

In the market, there is so much variety, that sometimes it is difficult to recognize which are the best. For this reason I have prepared an article that will help you to choose and to know which characteristics present the most reliable.

So pay attention, because this list can help you improve your life.

1. Peaceful

Peaceful is an app that helps you connect with your breathing and, therefore, with the here and now. It is inspired by the principles of Mindfulness or Mindfulness, which is a philosophy and a way of relating to oneself and the environment in a more adaptive way. Scientific studies suggest that Mindfulness helps fight stress and depression, among many other benefits, which we explain in the article: "Mindfulness: 8 benefits of mindfulness"

With peace, it is possible to become aware of our own body and the environment that surrounds us. It teaches coping strategies that are based on self-pity and mindfulness, so you can apply them in unpleasant situations. In addition, it has different options, among which stand out guided meditation, recording of thoughts, daily challenges , monitoring of the state of mind.

2. Mindfulness Gym

Following the principles of the previous app, a good alternative to improve well-being is "Gym Mindfulness", a training that allows you to improve the quality of life. It is a mental training that offers different tools for Mindfulness practices, which as has been mentioned in the previous point, has many benefits.

With this app you can adopt a non-judgmental mentality while managing your emotions and thoughts more effectively, from observation and the attitude of compassion. With a daily practice of 20 minutes, your emotional balance can improve considerably.

3. Intimid

An app developed by expert meditators, which allows access to hundreds of free meditations to find inner peace. It is an app that can be used at no cost; However, it is also possible to hire a payment service, which costs € 10 a month, and which has many options to enjoy a fuller life. 10 minutes a day are enough to enjoy greater emotional health.

4. Mynetdiary

This application is key to have a healthy life, because it allows you to have a control of the food in the place you want and when you want. It's a food diary that counts calories, and you can take it in your own pocket everywhere. It is an option that has a positive effect on the health of the body, but also on the mind, because there is a connection between what we eat and our mood .

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5. Moods

One of the disorders that most affects the population today is pathological anxiety. And although anxiety is adaptive and can be very useful, when it appears in situations where it is not necessary, it can create great discomfort. Acquiring tools to learn how to handle this phenomenon is a good choice to recover mental health and feel better. Thanks to Moods, it is possible to trace patterns of negative thoughts and behaviors to be able to remedy this unpleasant situation.

6. My fitness pal

If eating affects how we feel, so does the practice of physical exercise or not. My fitness pal is a good alternative for those people who practice sports and want to eat healthy , because it is one of the best calorie counters on the market.

It is also a great diet monitor, so you can know what to eat at all times. It also provides information about the food you eat, so you will know the micronutrients and macronutrients you eat. One of the most useful apps in the market.

7. Fitness HD

This application is a perfect complement to the previous app, because it allows combining diet with physical activity, something that positively affects emotional and psychological health.With this app you can improve your life, because it is a calorie counter that also offers hundreds of exercise routines and a pedometer so you can get in shape effectively . To enjoy a healthy body is to enjoy a healthy mind. This app allows you to share progress on your social networks.

8. Happier

Happier helps you improve your life and be happier. In fact, it is one of the most prestigious apps to feel good, because according to a research that was published in the well-known magazine "Time", it was considered one of the best wellness apps of 2013. Like other apps on this list, it is based in the principles of Mindfulness, and meditation is one of the options that this tool offers. In addition, it offers inspirational and motivating phrases to start the day on the right foot.

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Top 10 Smartphone Apps That Will Change Your Life (March 2024).

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