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90 questions and answers to expand your knowledge

90 questions and answers to expand your knowledge

April 1, 2024

Knowledge is usually understood as the facts or the information that we acquire throughout our life . Undoubtedly, the school is one of the places where more knowledge is obtained; However, our own experience or the hours we spend watching television (for example, documentaries) or surfing the Internet can also provide valuable information.

However, it is necessary to be careful with the quality of the information we receive through the digital medium, which can often saturate and improve us. This phenomenon is called infoxication.

  • Related article: "Infoxication: how to combat information overload"

Questions and answers to expand your culture

If you are one of those curious people who like to learn new things constantly, below you can find a list of questions and answers to expand your knowledge in topics such as science, art, history, etc.

  • You may also be interested: "110 questions of general culture and their answers"

1. What do koalas eat?

Koalas are herbivorous animals that have a little varied diet. They eat eucalyptus leaves.

2. What differentiates iron from steel?

Mainly, iron is an element whereas steel is an alloy or combination of iron with carbon. although it can also contain other metals in small proportion, such as nickel, manganese or chromium.

3. Who invented the telescope?

The invention of the telescope is attributed to the Dutch Hans Lippershey, although Recent research indicates that it was Juan Roget .

4. What was the first Walt Disney movie?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the first Disney film. It was released in 1937.

5. How many satellites do we orbit around the earth?

According to data from the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), in 2016, there were 4,256 satellites, of which only 1,419 are active.

6. How many times does a person blink?

A person blinks about 25,000 times a week.

7. Most populated city world?

The Japanese city of Tokyo is the most populated in the world, with 38 million inhabitants.

8. How many bones in the human body?

The number of bones that an adult human being contains is 206. The neonates They have around 300 bones .

9. On what continent is the Republic of Kazakhstan?

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country, with most of its territory located in Central Asia and a smaller one in Europe

10. Where are original Olympic games from?

Initially, the Olympics were held in Olympia (Ancient Greece).

11. What is the longest river in the world?

The largest river in the world is the Nile, which is located in the East part of Africa.

12. And the longest river in Spain?

The Tagus River is the longest in the Iberian Peninsula with 1,038 km.

13. What are the five types of primary flavors?

The primary flavors are: sweet, bitter, sour, salty and umami.

14. Who wrote The Odyssey?

Homer was the author of this poem of 24 songs.

15. What is the best-selling record in history?

The musical album that has achieved the most sales is the second solo album by Michael Jackson. It has sold between 51 to 65 million copies.

16. Who is Kim Jong-un?

Kim Jong-un is the controversial leader responsible for the military forces of North Korea, in addition to being the president of the Workers Party of Korea.

17. Who painted "The Last Supper"?

Leonardo da Vinci was the author of this great work.

18. Whale what kind of animal is it?

This animal is a marine mammal, which can measure up to 30 meters in length.

19. What is the largest ocean?

The Pacific Ocean, with a total area of ​​165,700,000 km² .

20. What is the largest country in the world?

The largest country on the planet is Russia, with a larger area: 17,075,200 km².

21. What is the currency of Morocco?

The dirham is the currency of Morocco

22. What is the name of the capital of Mongolia?

The capital of this Asian country is called Ulan Bator.

23. Why grow what product is known Guatemala?

The product that is most grown in Guatemala is coffee.

24. What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom?

The British queen is called Isabel II.

25. In what year did World War II begin?

This warlike conflict, one of the most important in the history of mankind, began in 1939.

26. What is ozone?

Ozone is a gas that contains molecules formed by three oxygen atoms (its formula is O3). It forms in the atmosphere,.

27. Why is iron oxidized?

Iron is oxidized due to a redox (or oxidation-reduction) reaction, since electrons are exchanged between the reactants so that they change their oxidation states. In this type of reaction, a substance loses electrons (it rusts), and another wins.

28. What sport did Carl Lewis practice?

Carl Lewis is considered one of the legendary figures of athletics.

29. What is the fifth planet in the solar system?

Within the solar system, the planet that occupies the fifth place in terms of the distance from the sun is Jupiter.

30. What is the most populated country on Earth?

China, with a shocking figure: 1,383,488,571 inhabitants.

31. Why do we yawn?

The answer to this question is not entirely clear, but there are several hypotheses, you can check them in the article: "Why yawn and what yawning function?".

32. What is the capital of Kosovo?

The capital of this Baltic country Pristina.

33. In which country was the first atomic bomb used in combat?

This destructive bomb was used for the first time in Hiroshima (Japan).

34. What is the most expensive metal in the world?

The most expensive metal in the world it's not gold or platinum, it's rhodium .

35. What is the capital of Sweden?

The capital of Sweden is Stockholm.

36. What types of learning are there?

There are several types of learning, you can check them in the article: "The 13 types of learning: what are they?".

37. In which country is Stanford University located?

Stanford University is one of the most prestigious in the world and is located in the United States.

38. Which is bigger, an atom or a cell?

A cell is bigger than an atom.

39. When did the First World War begin?

The year of the beginning of the First World War is in 1914.

40. What is an oviparous?

The animals that are born from an egg they are considered oviparous

41. Which branch of Biology studies animals?

The branch of biology that studies animals is zoology.

42. What was the parchment made of?

The material with which a parchment was made was with animal skin

43. What is the name of the fastest land animal in the world?

The fastest animal on the planet reaches a speed of 104 kilometers per hour, and it's the cheetah .

44. What is the area of ​​the protagonist art in the Goya awards?

The Goya awards are prizes that are presented as recognition to the best films in Spain.

45. What architectural style is the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris?

The cathedral of Notre Dame is in the Gothic style.

46. ​​Who discovered Peru in the eyes of the West?

The first European discoverer of Peru It was Francisco Pizarro .

47. What is the name of the national anthem of France?

The Marseillaise is the name given to the national anthem of France.

48. To which country do Rioians belong?

The inhabitants born in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro are called Cariocas.

49. In which country is the famous Taj Mahal monument located?

India is home to this historic monument.

50. What is the name of the official language in China?

Mandarin is the official language in this immense country.

51. How many co-official languages ​​exist in Spain?

In Spain, in addition to Castilian as an official language, there are four co-official languages: Catalan, Basque, Galician and Aranese.

52. What is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world with 1,680 m of depth.

53. What is the name of the Russian space station?

MIR is the name given to the Russian space station.

54. What was the first metal used by man?

Copper It is the first metal used by our species.

55. Where in the body does insulin occur?

Insulin is produced in the pancreas.

56. Do the English drive on the left or on the right? Why?

The English drive on the left. The reason is that, after the French Revolution and the imposition of Napoleon to drive on the right, the vast majority of European countries under the Napoleonic conquest adopted this measure. It was not the case of England, a land that Napoleon could not conquer.

57. Who is the first human to step on the moon?

The American astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong He was the first human being to step on the moon.

58. What language does Spanish come from?

Latin is the language from which the origins of Spanish originated, as well as the majority of the languages ​​currently spoken in Spain: Galician, Catalan and Occitan.

59. Who uttered the phrase "I only know that I do not know anything"?

Although Plato picked it up for the first time, the phrase was pronounced by Socrates .

60. What is the capital of Iran?

The capital of Iran is Tehran, the city of love.

61. Who is the author of Don Quixote?

This famous work was written by Miguel de Cervantes.

62. Where is the Holy Family located?

The city of Barcelona is the place where this catholic basilica designed by Antonio Gaudí is located.

63. What optical instrument allows to see the stars closely?

When we want to see a star closely we have to use a telescope.

64. Which group of islands does Haiti and Puerto Rico belong to?

Both islands belong to the Greater Antilles.

65. Which is smaller, an atom or a molecule?

An atom is smaller than a molecule. In fact, molecules are made of atoms.

66. What is the only mammal capable of flying?

The only mammal that flies is the bat.

67. How many teeth does an adult have?

The number of teeth an adult has is 32.

68. What fats are known as good fats?

There are different types of fats. The healthy ones are the unsaturated ones , which can be divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

69. What is the sacred book of the Muslim religion?

The Koran is the holy book of Islam

70. What is a newspaper library?

The newspaper library is a collection of magazines, newspapers and periodicals.

71. Who wrote "Hamlet"?

William Shakespeare was the author of Hamlet, and wrote this novel in the sixteenth century.

72. What was the Concorde?

The concorde was a supersonic airplane that transported travelers.

73. What is the country of birth of Pablo Neruda?

Pablo Neruda was born in Chile, specifically in Parral.

74. What is the Gauss Bell used for?

It is used in the calculation of probabilities.

75. According to the biblical writings, who betrayed Jesus?

Judas was, according to the Bible, who betrayed Jesus of Nazareth.

76. In what state was Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon was Emperor of France during the French revolution.

77. What is nuclear energy?

It is the energy contained in the nucleus of atoms.

78. What is photosynthesis?

It is the process by which plants obtain food.

79. How many years did the 100 year war last?

This armed conflict lasted 116 years

80. What illness does Stephen Hawking suffer?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) it is the disease that this character suffers as a genius.

81. In what year was the current Spanish Constitution approved?

The Spanish Magna Carta was approved in 1978.

82. What is Teide?

El Teide is a volcano located in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands of Spain.

83. Who is the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN)?

The new UN Secretary General is António Guterres, who replaced Ban Ki Moon.

84. What does "hoisting" mean?

It is the procedure of raising the flag.

85. What is the color that represents hope in the West?

The color that represents hope It is green . You can read more about this topic here: "Psychology of color: meaning and curiosities of colors".

86. What is the name of the science that studies maps?

It is the science that studies maps is cartography.

87. What is the coldest place on earth?

The coldest place on the planet, which is covered in a layer of ice between two thousand and three thousand meters is Antarctica.

88. In what place did Cervantes write most of Don Quixote?

Most of his masterpiece it was written from jail .

89. Who discovered penicillin?

Alexander Fleming was the one who discovered penicillin.

90. What types of neurons are there?

There are different types of neurons. You can know everything in this article: "Types of neurons: characteristics and functions".

General Knowledge Quiz - Test your general knowledge (April 2024).

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