yes, therapy helps!


Hermann Ebbinghaus: biography of this German psychologist and philosopher - biographies

Hermann Ebbinghaus is widely known within the world of psychology. This important psychologist and philosopher was one of the first to employ scientific methodology in the study and analysis of a...

Harry Stack Sullivan: biography of this psychoanalyst - biographies

The history of the study of psychology, although relatively recent, is full of important figures and different schools and currents of thought. All of them have contributed their vision regarding the...

Martin Seligman: biography and theories in Positive Psychology - biographies

Today the development and application of positive psychology is at the peak as that branch of psychology responsible for the scientific study of the optimal functioning of human beings and the...

John Bowlby: biography (and the bases of his Theory of Attachment) - biographies

Perhaps nowadays it seems obvious to us that the relationship between a mother and her baby is of great importance in human development, but this idea has not always been so obvious.The idea of ​​the...

Emil Kraepelin: biography of this German psychiatrist - biographies

The name of Emil Kraepelin is highly known by most psychologists and psychiatrists of the world as the founder of modern psychiatry.Among his main contributions, we find that he is responsible for...

Carl Rogers: biography of the impeller of humanism in therapy - biographies

The name of Carl Rogers is widely known in the world of psychology. One of the pioneers of humanistic psychology and creator of client-centered therapy, his contributions made him even worthy of the...

Karl Jaspers: biography of this German philosopher and psychiatrist - biographies

Existentialist philosophy constitutes a model of thought that focused on the study and reflection of the human condition, on the freedom of people and their responsibilities as individuals; as well...

Abraham Maslow: biography of this famous humanist psychologist - biographies

Abraham Maslow is well known in the world of psychology, being a remarkable figure who promoted and created along with other authors like Carl Rogers the well-known one like humanistic psychology....

Joseph Wolpe: biography of the inventor of systematic desensitization - biographies

The impact that Joseph Wolpe has generated in behavioral therapy has been stable and persistent. His dedication to the world of psychology lasted until almost a few months before his death, when he...

Jean-Paul Sartre: biography of this existentialist philosopher - biographies

Jean-Paul Sartre is a well-known figure in the field of philosophy and literature, being considered one of the parents of contemporary existentialism. Philosopher, writer and political activist,...