yes, therapy helps!
Cats love humans more than we used to think

Cats love humans more than we used to think

September 10, 2024

Cats are excellent pets , and one of many people's favorite pets. The benefits of having pets like this feline have been demonstrated by science, because according to some research, they help prevent allergies in children, prevent respiratory infections, improve mood and even increase self-esteem. In addition, cats are used in psychological therapy, which is known as gatoterapia.

In fact, the popularity of cats is such that the relationship they establish with humans has been the subject of study on several occasions, sometimes with surprising results.

Yes, these animals are often reputed to be somewhat selfish and interested , especially when there is food in between. Well, this idea we have of domestic felines seems to have been disproved. At least, according to a study that we echo in this article.

  • Related article: "Gatoterapia, discover the beneficial effects of living with a cat"

The relationship between man and cats throughout history

From ancestral times the human being always has had the tendency to tame animals . Although historically we had always surrounded ourselves with some species such as cows, sheep or horses (which served to cover some basic needs: food, clothing or even mobility ...), other species such as cats or dogs, at times more recent, they have had a closer relationship with their owners. Dogs, unlike cats, have been used for other purposes, for example hunting or protection.

The origin of cats as a domesticated animal dates back to Egypt in 3000 BC , culture in which they were considered divine beings, manifestations of the goddess Bastet. Such was the admiration and respect of the Egyptians towards the felines that history tells that they lost the famous battle against the Persians for not wanting to harm them.

In 526 a.C., the Persian Empire, in full expansion, set its eyes on Egypt. After crossing the Sinai desert, the Battle of Pelusium began. This warlike conflict receives this name because it was carried out in Pelusio, an ancient city of the Under Egypt, located in the northeastern end of the delta of the Nile. The Persians, aware of the importance that the cats had for their enemies, used the felines like shields in a battle that was more like a butcher's shop. For not wanting to hurt the cats, the Egyptians lost more than 50,000 men, while the Persians only lost 7,000.

These felines love human affection

The relationship between cats and humans is still very present, and many families have these animals in their homes and consider them part of their family. It has always been believed that cats They are somewhat independent and quite interested ; However, this belief is not entirely true.

This is what a group of scientists from the universities of Oregon and Monmouth in the United States say, who used a sample of 50 cats for their research. Oddly enough, it turns out that cats they prefer contact with people before other stimuli such as food, play or smells .

How does the study was realized

In order to evaluate the behavior of the cats, the scientists divided the cats into two groups. One of them was made up of domestic animals and the other was made up of animals that lived in a shelter. Both groups were isolated during a time of two and a half hours, and then the stimuli were presented to them to know their preference.

Animals preferred interaction with humans before other stimuli in 65% of cases, and food was the second preference of the felines . The researchers did not detect any significant difference between the cats that came from a home and those that had been taken from a shelter. This seems to show that cats value contact with humans more than we thought.

Did you know that cats dominate humans?

Although the previous result belies some myths about cats, another study carried out in 2009 states that felines dominate their owners. That is, they not only like to be with them, but also, They do everything possible so that they are aware of them and they have a considerable influence on their decisions.

The study was carried out by the University of Sussex (United Kingdom) and the results confirm that these animals have developed a mechanism to request the attention of their owners that does not fail: a peculiar purr. And is that if you have a cat as a pet, have you ever noticed his way of asking you something.Go under your leg and make that "little noise", or look for you when you're sleeping so that you get up and take care of it.

But the purr that catches your attention is something different. According to Karen McComb, a behavioral ecologist and director of this research, which was published in the journal Current Biology, "domestic cats make a different purr to get our attention. In addition to the usual purr, they add a peculiar meow that has a higher frequency. This instrumental purring has a purpose, and makes the owners bring out their paternal instinct . Cats almost always get away with it. " In short, this purr is not as intrusive as the one they normally use, so humans tolerate it and accept it better.

You can know more about this study in this article: "Cats dominate their owners, according to a study."


Cats are one of the favorite pets for many people, but they have always enjoyed a certain bad reputation . We believe that cats are independent, that many times they do not value what we do for them and that they can even be cold. However, a recent study belies these beliefs, and states that cats prefer contact with humans before other stimuli such as food or play.

Another study, in addition, found that felines dominate humans and influence the behavior of their owners because they have developed a peculiar purr.

What Cats Really Think Of You (September 2024).

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