yes, therapy helps!

Clinical psychology

Family constellations: a type of (pseudo) psychological therapy - clinical psychology

The family constellations they are a type of therapeutic dynamic that is having a great boom in recent times. This psychotherapeutic process is carried out in a group and seeks to awaken the feelings...

Paris syndrome: the strange disorder suffered by some Japanese tourists - clinical psychology

The Japanese culture offers a multitude of singularities that are difficult to find anywhere else in the world, and the Japanese country is today one of the most industrialized and advanced societies...

Megalomania and delusions of grandeur: playing at being God - clinical psychology

The word megalomania it comes from the union of two Greek words: megas, which means "big", and mania whose meaning is "obsession". Thus, megalomania is the obsession with the big, at least if we...

Delirious disorder (paranoid psychosis): causes, symptoms and treatment - clinical psychology

The Delirious Disorder, also known as Paranoid Psychosis, is a psychotic disorder. This disorder manifests itself with the presence of delusional ideas and thoughts, unrelated to reality, and without...

Trichotillomania: the strange obsession to tear the hair - clinical psychology

The trichotillomania it is a strange disorder characterized by the irresistible need to pull on the hair, usually of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes.Although individuals who suffer from this...

Aphasias: the main language disorders - clinical psychology

One of the reasons why neuropsychology is interesting is that it allows us to see to what extent mental processes that seem to be a single thing are, in reality, the result of many different...

10 signs and symptoms of people with OCD - clinical psychology

If you are one of those people who wash their hands every ten minutes, or you have an obsession because your closet is ordered according to a perfect chromatic scale, surely on some occasion you have...

Types of stress and its triggers - clinical psychology

Currently, stress is considered as mental fatigue caused by performance and demands that are greater than those we can withstand.It usually causes various pathologies, both physical and mental. Since...

Dysmorphophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment - clinical psychology

All at some time in our lives we may have been bothered by some physical defect or overwhelmed by some part of our body that we do not appreciate. But ... what happens when a small complex becomes...

The 7 types of anxiety (causes and symptoms) - clinical psychology

We have all felt anxiety from time to time. It is a normal emotion. It is possible that, just before an exam, because of a work problem or because you needed to make an important decision, you...