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Dandelion: 9 uses and properties of this medicinal plant

Dandelion: 9 uses and properties of this medicinal plant

April 23, 2024

Among all the health benefits that nature brings, it is possible that medicinal plants and herbs are the most appreciated by humans. We can find many remedies of traditional medicine that would not be possible without the existence of medicinal herbs.

The dandelion is one of the plants most recognized for its beauty but few people know its multiple properties and benefits. In this article We'll see what dandelion is and what it's for .

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What is dandelion?

Known scientifically as taraxacum, the dandelion is a kind of flower belonging to the family asteraceae . It is believed to be a type of plant native to certain regions of Europe and North America, and that appeared approximately 30 million years ago in Eurasia.

The dandelion is distinguished by being a herbaceous and perennial plant It grows and develops very easily in temperate climates. In addition, it is highly appreciated by farmers for its ease of reproduction and because it grows quickly and effectively.

While the dandelion has a large number of properties These are not popularly known, so it is traditionally used as an ornamental plant due to its flowers. There are two different types of dandelion flowers, depending on the subspecies of this and both are edible in their entirety, but all are characterized by having flowers of a bright yellow color.

Although its benefits and properties are not well known, in traditional medicine the dandelion has been widely used in the treatment of stomach disorders, gas, joint pain, eczema and rashes or certain types of infections, especially viral infections.

Also, as we mentioned, the dandelion it is totally edible and it is also very appreciated as a culinary ingredient.

This plant It is usually added in salads, soups, wines and infusions and in many places the roasted root of the dandelion is used as a substitute for coffee.

What is it for? Uses and properties

Traditional medicine has used dandelion in the treatment of various physical conditions, conditions and diseases . However, not all of them have been supported by scientific evidence. Currently, studies in laboratories try to determine how to use the different properties of the dandelion to treat several physical pathologies in a more natural way.

Among the main uses and properties of dandelion we find the following characteristics.

1. Improvement of bone health

Dandelion is a plant rich in calcium and calcium is a basic mineral in the development and strengthening of bones. Further, It is also rich in vitamin C and luteolin , two antioxidants that protect bones from the deterioration associated with age, which is due in large part to the effect of free radicals.

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2. Treatment for liver disorders

The dandelion extract is traditionally known for its liver benefits. The aforementioned antioxidants they favor the good functioning of the liver and protect it against aging. In addition, there are other compounds in this plant that can be effective in the treatment of liver hemorrhages.

The dandelion-based food supplement can support the maintenance of an adequate flow of bile, while stimulating the functioning of the liver and aiding digestion. Adequate digestion reduces the risk of constipation and serious gastrointestinal problems.

3. Help control diabetes

It has been proven that the juice or concentrate of dandelion can stimulate the production of insulin in diabetic people , thus maintaining low levels of blood sugar.

In addition, thanks to the diuretic properties of dandelion, this increases the need to urinate in diabetic patients, which helps eliminate excess sugar from the body.

4. Treatment for skin conditions

The sap extracted from dandelion is a natural and effective treatment for those conditions or diseases of the skin caused by bacterial and fungal infections. The reason is that the sap of this plant has alkaline, germicidal, insecticidal and fungal properties.

Although you should take special precaution in contact with the eyes, the sap extracted from the dandelion can be applied in eczema, itching and itching without risk of side effects .

5. Prevention and treatment of acne

In addition to the diuretic properties, the dandelion is a powerful detoxifying, stimulating and antioxidant, which makes it an effective treatment for acne. Especially the one caused by hormonal alterations.

The dandelion extract can favor regulation and hormonal balance , increases sweating and favors the opening of pores. all this helps facilitate the expulsion of toxins through sweat and urine. In addition, externally applying the sap of this flower can inhibit microbial infections and reduce the signs of acne.

6. Decrease fluid retention

The dandelion, thanks to its diuretic nature, promotes urination and helps eliminate excess water from our body. In addition, our urine contains a percentage of 4% fat, so the more we urinate, the more water and fat will be lost, so it also favors weight loss.

7. Constipation treatment

The high fiber content of dandelion make it a very beneficial aid for proper digestion and intestinal health . Fiber stimulates intestinal functioning and reduces the chances of constipation and diarrhea.

8. Prevents anemia

Dandelion has relatively high levels of iron, vitamins and a high protein content. While iron is an essential part of blood hemoglobin, vitamin B and proteins are the basis of the formation of red blood cells and other components of the blood. Therefore, the dandelion can help anemic people maintain this condition regulated and under control .

9. Regulates blood pressure

Finally, and following the diuretic properties of dandelion, increased urination is an effective way to reduce blood pressure. Dandelion juice increases urination in both quantity and frequency. Thus, helps reduce high blood pressure .

In addition, the fiber in dandelion is also useful to reduce cholesterol and, therefore, helps reduce blood pressure, since cholesterol is one of the factors that increase blood pressure.

Bibliographic references:

  • Schütz, K., Reinhold, C. & Schieber, A. (2006). Taraxacum-a review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 107 (3): 313-323.
  • Menghini, L., Genovese, S., Epifano, F., Tirillini, B., Ferrante, C. & Leporini, L. (2010). Antiproliferative, protective and antioxidant effects of artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and rosemary extracts and their formulation. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 23 (2): 601-610.


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