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Emotional fatigue: strategies to face it and overcome it

Emotional fatigue: strategies to face it and overcome it

April 3, 2024

The emotional fatigue It refers to mental exhaustion that is related to prolonged symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression. We can all feel this extreme emotional exhaustion from time to time, although some people tend to experience it more often, as they are more sensitive or more empathic . Those who suffer from emotional fatigue feel that they have exhausted all their emotional resources and have nothing left to give to others.

Emotional fatigue: defining the concept

Emotional fatigue occurs in different situations. It is characteristic of some work related to assistance to other people (doctors, social workers, psychologists, firemen, etc.), because the emotional cost of these professions is not always rewarded. This type of fatigue can also be linked to affective problems, stemming from the difficulty of communicating or adapting to the environment.

In addition, in the work environment, emotional fatigue is a symptom that presents the Burnout or "Burning Syndrome", which affects workers who have reached a very high level of physical and emotional exhaustion.

How is emotional fatigue manifested?

Emotional fatigue occurs when an individual has exceeded their ability to withstand prolonged emotional stress . It is usual that people who suffer from it are not aware of its symptoms, because the demotivation and emotional fatigue, characteristic of this phenomenon, provokes a behavior of avoidance and rejection towards one's own emotions. This type of fatigue manifests itself with physical and psychological symptoms. Here are some of them:

  • Low tolerance to stress or stressful situations
  • Inattention
  • Lack of motivation and disinterest in life
  • Physical fatigue or loss of energy
  • Depersonalization

Emotional fatigue causes important problems for the person who suffers, both in their personal well-being and in their interpersonal relationships. These difficulties can cause depressive states as a result of the "lack of control" felt by the person with emotional fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms to avoid more unnecessary suffering. Emotional fatigue can indicate more serious problems (depression, burnout, etc.), so it is important to know the exact cause that causes it to be able to act with the intention of addressing the underlying problem.

Ways to cope with emotional fatigue

Emotional fatigue can be treated if symptoms are detected as soon as possible. To prevent further consequences, it is necessary to have certain skills to cope with stress (positive coping strategies, taking time off, etc.). But first of all, the first step is to recognize the emotional fatigue in us and find out what circumstance is causing it.

Mindfulness and self-reflection

Many investigations seem to indicate that Mindfulness can be useful for this type of problems, because it helps us to better manage our emotions. Sometimes, it can be easy to recognize what things cause us emotional exhaustion, and in others, we must go a little deeper to discover what their symptoms are indicating. Self-reflection can help us find out the triggers of emotional fatigue in us.

In addition, Mindfulness provides tools to disconnect from what produces tension . Being in the present moment, with an attitude of acceptance and compassion towards ourselves, minimizes the impact of emotionally stressful situations, and allows us to face these situations in a positive way.

On the other hand, physical exercise provides many benefits at the psychological level, so that the usual practice can cause an escape route for the mind: improves self-esteem and promotes the release of chemicals in the brain related to happiness and well-being In this sense, a healthy lifestyle, with good sleep hygiene or a healthy diet, is fundamental to face the day to day in the best possible way, and positively affects our emotional well-being.

Psychological therapy to treat emotional fatigue

Emotional fatigue can be overcome by following these tips. Do not forget that, if at some time you are overwhelmed by your symptoms, It is a good idea to consult the problem with a mental health professional , which will provide you with tools and techniques to solve the situation.

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