yes, therapy helps!

Healthy life

Biofeedback: what is it and what is it for? - Healthy life

Many things have changed since the standard mode of psychotherapy consisted in the verbal healing proposed by Freudian psychoanalysis.One of those things has to do with the loss of popularity of...

10 benefits of having a dog (according to science) - Healthy life

Those of us who have or have had a dog know that their presence can make us tremendously happy.This fact is demonstrated in the II Scientific Analysis of the Affinity Foundation on the Link between...

The meaning of dreams according to Jungian psychology - Healthy life

From ancient times to the present day, different cultures have considered dreams as a gateway to a magical dimension that allows us to predict the future or communicate with spirits or other...

Mandalas: the Buddhist wheels used in meditation - Healthy life

Mandalas are one of the artistic and cultural elements associated with meditation.They are used in some Buddhist rituals, but it is also common to resort to them as a form of therapy. This can be...

11 keys to being a happy woman after 40 - Healthy life

For some people middle age is a delicate moment in his life, which can cause the popular crisis of 40.It is not uncommon to get to this moment of life and start questioning, for example, what are my...

The 8 types of hugs and their function in our lives - Healthy life

Hugs are one of the most important rituals in our day to day.They are one of the perfect excuses to maintain a tactile contact with another person, something that helps us to reinforce the emotional...

Goodbye to sedentary lifestyle: 6 reasons for sports - Healthy life

The first substantial change in the habits of life of the human being came after the so-called "industrial revolution" and the second change we are now suffering after the "technological...

Being a mother implies knowing these 25 essential points - Healthy life

Mothers are, together with our parents, the most important figures of our lives. They are the people who gave us life and brought us up when we could not even feed ourselves.Thanks to mothers, we...

What is preferable, showering in the morning or at night? - Healthy life

Are you one of those people who prefer to shower in the morning or at night? While some prefer to go directly into the shower in the morning, others prefer to do so before going to bed, so they leave...

8 breathing exercises to relax in a moment - Healthy life

The prevailing way of life in societies like ours, that reinforce competition and constant self-improvement, produce a high amount of stress on our body, which alters our well-being and can lead to...