yes, therapy helps!

Healthy life

Aloe vera: 13 benefits that you should know and apply to your life - Healthy life

Aloe vera is a very popular plant both in the manufacture of creams and shampoos and in the creation of home remedies to take care of health. But… What exactly are the benefits it can offer?The...

The origin of music and its implications in our lives - Healthy life

In one way or another, music is present in almost all spheres of our lives. It can be, for example, inserted in a scene from a horror movie to increase tension and anguish, or it can be used during a...

Passive yoga: discover the benefits of stretching - Healthy life

Who has not stopped to watch with a certain envy (and wishes to do the same!) To a cat stretching, twisting and stretching slowly, meticulously and pleasantly?These felines are true masters in the...

50 ways to lose weight healthily - Healthy life

The main goal to practice physical exercise regularly and eat healthy should always be the physical and mental well-being of the person.Sometimes, the welfare goes through losing those extra kilos,...

The 12 best infusions to relax - Healthy life

The life we ​​lead today can be very demanding. Sometimes, you may want to come home, sit on the sofa and enjoy a relaxing infusion, of those that turn that antistress moment into pure happiness.In...

10 plants that relieve anxiety - Healthy life

We live in a highly competitive and accelerated world, in which many people feel stressed, forced or pressured by their obligations. In this context, psychological problems often arise, especially...

Tantra: discover the art of conscious love - Healthy life

"Tantra and Neotantra is a spiritual path of evolution and consciousness.""Tantra helps us to move and channel our own energy, awakening our consciousness, in order to become more balanced,...

6 yoga postures to end back pain - Healthy life

Yoga is an ancestral practice that promotes holistic balance, because it produces many benefits for the body and the mind. That is why, over the years, it has been expanding throughout the western...

12 benefits of sleeping naked (according to science) - Healthy life

Sleeping without clothes is one of the best alternatives when the temperature allows, it is a comfortable way to sleep and also provides some benefits.So whether for comfort or because you enjoy...

Know how to manage happiness: practical guide - Healthy life

A few days ago I had a very interesting conversation with a colleague and great friend, about life and how to deal with it properly.His experience, like mine, in talking with patients and also with...