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How to avoid mental fatigue, in 10 keys

How to avoid mental fatigue, in 10 keys

April 2, 2024

Mental fatigue or mental fatigue it is a concept that can be confused with physical fatigue, although they are different. Mental fatigue is related to prolonged symptoms of stress (whether or not work), anxiety, depression or overwork and lack of resources.

This type of fatigue is different from drowsiness (need to sleep), although the person feels a loss of energy, demotivation and apathy . It appears, for example, when a person suffers burnout and there comes a time when he feels he can not do more, that his resources are not enough to cope with the situation and he reaches his mental limit.

  • Related article: "Burnout (burn syndrome): how to detect it and take action"

Causes of mental fatigue

Mental fatigue is usually associated with work , since many phenomena related to this field can cause it. The most common causes of mental fatigue are:

  • Excess mental load : excessive tasks require that the level of attention and concentration is too high can cause the appearance of this phenomenon. The main problem is in the duration of this situation, which ends up exhausting the resources of the person.
  • Factors of the organization : climate and business culture, co-workers or leadership styles of superiors can also cause mental fatigue.
  • The resources of each person : some individuals tolerate stressful situations better than others.
  • Stress and anxiety : mental fatigue can also appear in situations of stress (for example, post-traumatic stress or work-related stress) or prolonged anxiety.
  • Very mental works : those jobs with little physical involvement are more likely to cause mental fatigue.
  • Depression : The symptoms of this disorder include this form of fatigue.

How to combat mental fatigue

Mental fatigue, that feeling that you have reached the limit and in which you feel mentally and emotionally exhausted, can be avoided and overcome.

You can find below natural ways to combat this phenomenon without having to resort to drugs.

1. Eat well

Many people experience mental fatigue because they do not nourish themselves as they should. This can cause a person to lose concentration and feel tired and mentally exhausted, because his body does not have the necessary nutrients to work properly .

Therefore, it is important to eat several times a day, preferably 5 times (that is, divide the necessary calories into 5 meals). Food is especially important in times when we have a lot of work. As well It is important take carbohydrates , because glucose is the brain's energy source. Eating well keeps the mind active and reduces mental fatigue.

2. Take a natural supplement

There are different supplements that are ideal for the times when we have to make an extra mental effort. Some examples are: royal jelly, ginseng or ginkgo biloba ... This can help us to be more focused and to overcome those extra demands of some moments of our life.

3. Sleep well

Sleeping well has many benefits, and that is when we do not, our body and our mind notice it. Therefore, there is nothing better than a good rest to prevent mental fatigue and be more lucid and alert during the day.

Experts recommend sleeping 8 hours, but there are people who need less to perform well. Taking a 20-minute nap a day is not bad either , because according to science, it makes us more concentrated and active.

  • Related article: "The 3 psychological benefits of napping"

4. Meditate

Meditation is an ancestral practice that is very fashionable, because it helps to cope with the pace of life of Western societies. It helps us to stop, to connect with ourselves, to be in the present and have a calm mind . There are different types of meditation and all of them are very beneficial.

  • If you want to know what they are, you can read this article: "The 8 types of meditation and their characteristics"

5. Drink water

If eating well is positive to maintain good levels of attention and concentration, just as necessary is to consume enough water for the body to be served. Dehydration is one of the main causes of mental fatigue , so it is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, spread throughout the day.

6. A good work environment

We spend many hours at work and, therefore, a bad work environment It can end up causing us an excess of mental fatigue.And is that when one is comfortable in his work and is calm, one feels good and is more productive. When this is not the case, it is easy to feel mentally drained and stressed.

7. Practice physical exercise

Physical exercise is one of the healthiest habits that a person can enjoy, because it helps us feel better, improves our self-esteem and makes us feel happier because when we practice it we release different neurochemicals such as endorphins or serotonin.

Scientific studies show that physical exercise improves our physical and mental health , so we must spend 30 minutes a day at least to practice it.

8. Practice yoga

Yoga, like meditation, is also an ancient practice that helps us connect our body with our mind. Some may think it's the same as physical exercise, but it's not like that. It consists of postures (asanas), relaxation (savasana), meditation (dhyana), breathing (pranayama), kriyas (cleansing), mudras (energy seals), kirtan (songs), mantra or rituals.

In addition, the practice of yoga can include a lifestyle that is committed to ethical guidelines and values ​​based on well-being, as well as an adequate and healthy diet.

9. Rest

If you are at work and you notice that you do not give for more at the mental level, then you may need to take a break and, for example, make your eyes rest moving away from the screen . If for example you work in front of a computer and have been in the same position for 3 hours, it is logical that you feel mentally tired.

Do not feel guilty and disconnect 20 minutes, sure when you return you will feel better. Ideally, disconnect 10 minutes every 45 minutes.

10. Take a vacation

If you see that your mental fatigue has turned into exhaustion, then it's time to take a long break , because you may be suffering from stress or burning syndrome. Maybe it's a good idea to take a weekend holiday in the mountains or spend the day in the countryside or on the beach. The goal is to relax, let your mind rest and regain strength.

How to Overcome Adrenal Fatigue (April 2024).

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