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How to raise a happy child, in 7 steps

How to raise a happy child, in 7 steps

December 7, 2024

One of the greatest wishes of a father is that his son grows healthy, happy and has great success in all facets of his life . But educating a child is not always easy, and it can happen that many parents, in an attempt to give everything to their children, abuse overprotection and end up spoiling their children.

A happy child is not the one who has the house full of toys and to whom everything is consented, because excessive gifts can cause a child to grow up spoiled. When you want so much In this sense, the behavior of parents and their way of educating their children will affect their future personality and their well-being and happiness throughout their lives.

  • Related article: "The 8 basic tips for not spoiling your child"

How to raise a happy child

Being a good father is not giving everything a son, even his whims, or letting himself be carried away by his demands and his manipulation. But a good father offers his descendants an education that helps them become emotionally strong for the future and prepared for the good and bad times that life will bring.

If you are a parent and want to know what you can do to make your child grow up happy, in the following lines you will find 10 tips for your child to grow emotionally healthy.

1. Teach you to tolerate frustration

In life, everything is not rosy. There are good times and bad moments that we have to live . To grow as people we must be able not only to enjoy the good times that life presents us, but we must know how to deal with those situations that are not so pleasant.

Tolerance to frustration is one of those skills that allow us to face life and are essential to solve problems and take advantage of the bad times to grow as human beings. Developing tolerance to frustration is developing resilience and the ability to overcome problems. People with low tolerance to frustration are vulnerable to emotional pain, are impulsive and have difficulty adapting to changing environments. Therefore, it is important to educate in values ​​such as effort, be consistent and set an example, put limits on your children, among other behaviors that you can find in our article "How to teach your children to tolerate frustration, in 6 steps".

2. Recognize your child's perspective and empathize with him

The little ones also feel emotions . In fact, Paul C. Holinger, professor of psychiatry at the Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's in Chicago, identified nine "signs" that children use to communicate their feelings. And is that parents can get to compare the feelings of children with those of adults, leaving aside that their mental development is in early stages.

The author argues that when a child hits a brother or throws toys it means that he is distressed and that is his way of expressing himself. Although your reaction may seem disproportionate, recognizing the signals our child sends us helps enormously in treating you appropriately. Empathize with your child is key to building trust and being a good parent.

3. Communicate and listen to your child

While recognizing your child's emotions and empathizing with him is positive for his happiness, so is communicating and listening to what he has to say. . Children need to feel important and loved, therefore it is good to listen to what they have and communicate appropriately in order to manifest confidence and strengthen the bond of affection.

4. Do not give in to tantrums

It may seem that giving in to tantrums is the best option for our child to feel good, but this is a way to reinforce negative behaviors . If we give in to the tantrums, we will be giving him to understand that he can get what he wants if he hits a tantrum or cries. Not giving everything in the first place can be a good alternative for our son to begin to value things.

5. Spend time with your child

Children should note that parents feel love towards them, because the parental figure is necessary for the healthy development of a child. Spending time with the children is enriching for both parties, which increases the trust between the two. Read stories to your child, play with him, teach them new things, take him on a field trip and have fun by his side .

6. Set limits

Setting limits may seem bad, but it is necessary for children to have some discipline to learn that life has limits and can not do what they want at the time they want, and so be aware of what they should do and how far they can arrive. It is not good to be an overly permissive parent, because children need to have a pattern by which to guide their behavior .

7. Praise your achievements

For a child to be happy he must have a high self-esteem and self-confidence, which allow him to face the less pleasant moments of life . People usually highlight the bad moments of our children, but we must also praise those behaviors that are positive, with the intention of giving them feedback and as a way to reward what they do well.

10 Steps to Raising Successful Children (December 2024).

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