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If you want smart kids, less technology and more music

If you want smart kids, less technology and more music

March 30, 2024

We are connected to new technologies all day. For example, when we wake up the mobile alarm in the morning and we have our smartphone in hand, or when we get home from work and go directly to the computer or tablet to connect to social networks.

New technologies have revolutionized our day to day and, although we do not realize, our brain has also changed .

Children and intelligence

In an interview published in the newspaper La Vanguardia, David Bueno i Torrens , author of the book "Cerebroflexia", states: "New technologies cause people to have fewer connections in the memory management area of ​​the brain because part of this function has been outsourced to digital devices: few remember the number of your friends' phone.

But can it be that new technologies make us more or less intelligent? Recent studies affirm that if we want intelligent children we must be careful with the use of new technologies. In addition, it seems that the key to developing a child's intelligence is music (specifically, playing instruments).

The role of parents in the development of their children's intelligence

The family atmosphere and the attitude of the parents are decisive in the intellectual development and the school performance of the children. If we talk about this last aspect, that is, school performance, Frances Glascoe , professor of pediatrics at the Vanderbilt University in Berlin, explains that "it has been proven that children who grow up in homes where conversation, reading and music are present tend to have higher IQ and obtain better grades in school" .

Therefore, those parents who usually leave their children watching television or playing video games should know that this may affect their future academic performance, since those children who interact frequently with their parents and even the rest of the family achieve a greater development of intelligence .

Technological devices and intelligence: some scientific data

Psychologists and educators have been warning parents for decades about the harmful effects of technological devices (including television) on the little ones in the house. Álvaro Bilbao , author of the book "The brain of the child explained to parents", warns: "The key to the development of the brain the smallest is in the relationships with their parents. Genetics can have an important weight, but without the family environment the potential development of the brain will not come true. "

It is true that these technological devices used properly can be positive, but it is common for many parents, to have instant peace of mind, leave their children watching television or connected to the Ipad without any control. It is necessary to be careful with this, since an investigation published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, and carried out by the Sainte Justine University of Quebec and the University of Michigan, demonstrates that children who spend more hours in front of television at 2, 3 and 4 years have more problems at school . For example, they have a 6% percent decline in achievement in math.

Brain Training games do not make us smarter

In recent years, games or brain training programs (or Brain Training) have become very fashionable with the aim of stimulating cognitive development. The truth is that its validity when improving the performance of cognitive functions is more than questioned. The belief of being able to become more intelligent through this type of games or programs was started by the Swedish researcher Torkel Kliemberg , which stated that, with its use, the children not only improved the memory after weeks of play, but also the intellectual capacity in general .

Some studies have shown that this belief was not true. Recently a meta-analysis of 23 investigations indicates that these video games or programs can lead to improvements in short-term memory, but not to other areas, such as improving the numerical calculation. The same result was obtained in an investigation of the University of Cambridge, in which his researchers found that apart from an increase in short-term memory, there was no improvement in other skills such as math, reading or writing

Another investigation, this time carried out by a team of psychologists from Georgia Tech to check if there was any improvement in the IC, neither did he detect any improvement in the intelligence of the study subjects . Therefore, it is possible to conclude that Brain Training games do not make us smarter.

Science says learning to learn to play an instrument makes us smarter

But how can we stimulate the intelligence of our children? Can music positively influence the intellectual development of children? Seems that if. At least that's what several studies claim.

There are many people who play instruments and perform in music groups as a hobby. If these results are true, in addition to having fun, these individuals could be more advantaged in the development of their intelligence . According to several researches, exposing a child to playing instruments at an early age can have a positive impact on their IQ, their level of reading and their brain development. In addition, adults who learn to play instruments also get benefits from this practice: greater concentration, greater brain activity and greater pleasure and well-being.

To test this hypothesis, a team of researchers from the University of Toronto (Canada) conducted a study with children aged 6 years. Randomly piano and voice classes were given to some of them. The others did not receive any training. The study showed that learning to play an instrument can increase math skills and IQ in general. So, if you're a father, instead of leaving your child in front of the computer, sign up for guitar or piano lessons . This way you will be stimulating your intelligence and your creativity.

Super Intelligence: ???? Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration, Binaural Beats Focus Music (March 2024).

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