yes, therapy helps!

Medicine and health

The 3 types of bacteria (characteristics and morphology) - Medicine and health

Microorganisms that are called bacteria can be found everywhere. The immense variety of species has allowed these forms of life to colonize almost anywhere in the world. Neither need to stress that...

Types of medications (depending on their use and side effects) - Medicine and health

Medicine is one of the sciences that has had the greatest impact on humanity. Thanks to her, the average life expectancy of men and women has lengthened. The ability to study and understand many of...

Alexandria syndrome: the

You may not have heard much about the Alexandria syndrome, also known as Genesis of Alexandria, a strange condition to which is attributed the ability to make the person develop purple eyes, among...

Types of arrhythmias: symptoms, causes and severity - Medicine and health

The alterations in the rhythm and in the frequency with which the heart pumps blood, whether due to excess, deficit or irregularity, are known as arrhythmias. Although in many cases these...

The 7 body types (or somatotypes): what are they? - Medicine and health

The concept of somatotype or somatic type is well known within the world of physical exercise and nutrition, but also within psychology.The concept was developed by the psychologist William Herbert...

This is how stress can cause strokes - Medicine and health

Myocardial infarcts are the leading cause of death worldwide. It is a type of coronary accident related to lifestyle; in particular, the appearance of heart attacks is directly influenced by the...

14 symptoms and signs of menopause - Medicine and health

Menopause. This word is seen by many people as something negative, because it supposes the end of feminine fertility. Other people see it as a liberation, because after it they stop having...

The 4 differences between the animal and the plant cell - Medicine and health

All living beings share the same basic unit, which is none other than the cell. From the smallest unicellular microorganisms to the most complex multicellular organisms, the cell is always present....

Albino people: genetics and problems suffered in different parts of the world - Medicine and health

The DNA that contains each one of the cells of your body contains all the information necessary for the development and functioning of an organism. Therefore, any defect that is located in the...

Bach flowers: what are they and what is their effectiveness? - Medicine and health

That a large number of different plants possess medicinal properties It is a fact known since antiquity. Cutting fever, calming anxiety or helping to heal wounds are some of the properties attributed...