yes, therapy helps!


The lying brain: do we really know why we do what we do? - neurosciences

The brain is at the base of everything we are and do.It is the seat of our personality, responsible for our emotions, and how we feel during the day; but it is also the organ that allows us to chew...

The 5 main technologies for the study of the brain - neurosciences

The human brain is a mystery, but it is, too, one of the mysteries that have generated most interest throughout history.After all, millennia ago it is known that it is there where thoughts, feelings,...

The personality could be regulated by the immune system - neurosciences

The study of personality types is one of the main areas of research in psychology.Several test proposals and personality systems have emerged from it, very useful both in applied psychology and in...

Limbic system: the emotional part of the brain - neurosciences

The limbic system It is one of the most interesting and important networks of neurons when it comes to studying human behavior, since it is one of the parts of the brain with a more relevant role in...

Women need more sleep than men, according to a study - neurosciences

Who does not like to stay in bed for a while in the morning or take a nap after lunch to regain strength?If you asked us if there are differences between men and women in the amount of sleep we need,...

Hippocampus: functions and structure of the organ of memory - neurosciences

The hippocampus It is one of the most important parts of the brain.It is located in what is known as the limbic system, and is closely related both to the mental processes related to memory and those...

Psychotropic drugs: drugs that act on the brain - neurosciences

The psychotropic drugs They are one of the most influential tools in psychology and psychiatry, both in its intervention and in research.However, the fact that its commercialization and popularity...

The Lamarck Theory and the evolution of the species - neurosciences

For centuries, the question of how different forms of life have been emerging has been a question that has fascinated humanity. Myths and legends have been created around this question, but more...

Types of hormones and their functions in the human body - neurosciences

Hormones are molecules of different nature that are produced in the secretory or endocrine glands. Working together with the nervous system, they are responsible for us to act, feel and think as we...

Does the light make you sneeze? Quiet, there are more people like you - neurosciences

It happens almost every week: I leave the portal of my house and, just as my face crosses the border in which the shadow of the goal gives way to the direct light of the Sun, a tingling appears that...