yes, therapy helps!


The 16 most satisfying and ideal foods to lose weight - nutrition

Human beings need to feed ourselves, but not everything we eat nourishes us in the same way.There are foods that contain a multitude of vitamins and minerals and that are good for our health, and...

8 Year-end recipes to surprise everyone - nutrition

The end of the year dinner is a special date in which the whole family gathers and celebrates the entrance of the new year.After the copious dish in which we enjoyed good times, we went to eat the...

Orthosiphon: properties and characteristics of this food - nutrition

The orthosiphon (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a herbaceous plant that grows in certain areas of Asia and Australia that tea uses as a medicinal plant in the form of an infusion known as Java tea. It is...

What are the 14 most nutritious foods that exist? - nutrition

Follow a healthy and balanced diet and have healthy habits It is always a good option, although it is not always easy to meet the requirements of that lifestyle. Today there are many foods that are...

10 foods that are not what they seem - nutrition

Although many do not know it, we do not always eat what we think we're eating. The food industry is a very lucrative business, and when our diet becomes a business, then a series of consequences...

12 foods that enhance your sexual attractiveness, according to science - nutrition

Surely it seems strange to hear that diet can increase your sexual attractiveness, but there are some foods that positively influence your "sex appeal", because they provide different nutrients...

33 foods to lose weight without dieting - nutrition

Some people are unable to follow a diet to lose weight lose. Although there are many of these diets that are very effective and healthy, there are others that are not so.If our goal is to lose...

The 12 types of nutrition and their characteristics - nutrition

For humans, nutrition is the process by which the organism take advantage of nutrients from food so that your body and cells stay alive and have energy. However, not only do humans need to nourish...

12 benefits of cabbage for your health - nutrition

Cabbage is a very popular vegetable and is known for its medicinal properties. Among them, it is believed to contain chemicals that prevent cancer, Alzheimer's or aging.The history of medicinal use...

16 benefits and properties of green coffee - nutrition

Green coffee has been the reason for recent studies and the researchers claim that it is a wonderful substance for weight loss. This substance, which is rich in chlorogenic acid, has been shown to...