yes, therapy helps!


Why men love bad girls - partner
December 2024

Those girls who never answer calls and leave you "read" on WhatsApp. Those girls. Even if we do things right, they are women who rarely pay attention to us: for them we seem almost invisible.In the...

Types of kisses: the 9 different kisses and their meaning - partner

Both giving and receiving a kiss is one of those sensations that are capable of giving you goosebumps, especially if it is given to you by the person you want to be with. A kiss is a universal act...

How are the people that attract us and captivate us? - partner

When you meet one of those highly attractive people, the energy they give off simply makes you want to spend more and more time with them. Attraction causes desire, intrigue and facilitates emotional...

8 signs that indicate that a man likes you - partner

There is always talk of the "innate" ability of women to detect when a man is interested in them. exist a series of gestures, signs and signs that men can not avoid doing when they are near a girl...

Dissatisfaction in the couple and divorce: what factors explain it? - partner

In recent decades there has been a substantial gradual increase in the number of separations and divorces from previous periods. According to the data of the INE (National Institute of Statistics),...

Anti-attraction: 7 gestures and attitudes of people who do not seduce - partner

In other articles of Psychology and Mind we have talked about how are the people that attract us and captivate us. They are usually individuals that give off certain magic and make us want to spend a...

Curing a broken heart: 7 keys to face the lack of love - partner

It could be thought that the opposite of love is not hatred, but love failure. The sense of loss that is often called "having a broken heart" it is a type of duel that can be very difficult to...

How to ask for a date with a man with a message? - partner

Thanks to the new communication technologies we currently have alternative methods to ask for a date for a man, if you are shy and you have trouble telling a boy that you would like to go out with...

How do women link? 9 keys to understanding - partner

Attracting women who seduce you is not a gift, it is what nature dictates. And going against nature, has its consequences.However, it is something that most "flirts" or seducers around the world...

Men prefer silly and unthinking women, says study - partner

In recent decades, different studies have been carried out to find out what is most attractive to a man, and what a man looks for in a woman. And just as some men may ask themselves, how can it be...