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Pregorexia: pregnant women who do not want to gain weight

Pregorexia: pregnant women who do not want to gain weight

April 5, 2024

The obsession with not getting fat leads many women to nourish themselves poorly during pregnancy . This behavior is not only harmful to the health of the mother, but can cause serious problems for the future child. The Pregorexia It is a disorder in which the pregnant woman is obsessed with not getting fat and tries to eat less so as not to gain weight.

This disorder, despite not appearing in DSM V or ICD-10, is a serious problem that some women face today.

The word Pregorexia is born from the combination of the terms "pregnancy" (pregnancy in English) and anorexia. This term was initially coined in 2008 by the North American media and, although it is not exactly anorexia, it is also commonly called "anorexia of pregnancy", because for many, its symptoms are included within this existing pathology, which it is precisely anorexia.

Characteristics of Pregorexia

The woman who suffers from Pregorexia Try not to gain weight and stay thin when you are pregnant , which causes that its alimentary intake is below the caloric and nutritional levels healthy and necessary for the pregnancy. In addition, excessive worry about your figure and fear of not getting fat cause you to force vomiting and exercise excessively. Even, coming to put at risk your health and that of your child.

The main cause of this disorder is the social pressure that exists on the aesthetic patterns, and the excessive intoxication on the part of the mass media, that bombard constantly with announcements on the "body 10". It is common to find in magazines, reports of famous women who stay in shape during pregnancy and after delivery.

Pregnancy is a particularly delicate time to keep the line, it is normal to win a few "quilitos" during those months. The priority of any mother it should be the welfare of your future baby , since this stage is especially important for its future development.

The obsession with the image can cause serious dangers: there are many negative consequences that can appear during the gestation stage and during the future development of the child (malnutrition, bone decalcification, low production of breast milk, hormonal alterations, dry skin, cracked and dehydrated, digestive and cardiovascular problems, intrauterine growth restriction, decreased amniotic fluid, premature delivery or low birth weight). In addition, malnutrition can cause the death of the fetus.

Although 30 percent of women do not get enough during pregnancy, that does not mean it is due to Pregorexia. In fact, only a minority of pregnant women are affected by this eating disorder.

Women who have suffered an eating disorder in the past are more at risk for Pregorexia

According to experts, women who have suffered eating disorders in the past are more prone to suffer Pregorexia . Despite this, having suffered an eating disorder in the past is not a guarantee of having pregorexia during pregnancy. In fact, some women overcome the previous disorder and are accepted as they are, even during the gestation period.

Symptoms of Pregorexia

Women suffering from Pregorexia usually show a series of characteristic symptoms of the disorder. If you know someone who may be suffering from this eating disorder, it is necessary to seek help as soon as possible, because there is a risk of harmful consequences for the mother and the future baby . The following are the most characteristic symptoms that people with pregorexia present:

  • Little gain or loss of weight during pregnancy
  • Restriction of most food groups
  • Feelings of excessive fear or anxiety about weight gain
  • Excess exercise to not gain weight
  • Induction to vomiting after meals
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Dizziness or headaches
  • Avoid meals so as not to get fat
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Obsession with weight reduction

Pregorexia: in search of help

If any known or family member suffers an eating disorder while pregnant, it is important to seek help as soon as possible in order to reduce the risk of complications for the baby.

The usual is contact the general practitioner , but this should refer the patient to a psychologist or psychiatrist so that he can treat the psychological and emotional problems that are the root of this disorder. Therapy can be individual, but it is also recommended that the person suffering from Pregorexia attend therapeutic support groups , because the interaction with other women who suffer eating disorders can be beneficial.

CNN: Some women refuse pregnancy weight (April 2024).

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