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Psychological profile of the bully (bullying): 9 traits in common

Psychological profile of the bully (bullying): 9 traits in common

March 26, 2024

Bullying or bullying It is one of the most talked about phenomena in recent times, since there seems to be an increase in cases of violence in the school context. In reality, bullying has always existed, but nowadays it has a greater media impact and its name may be more attractive since it comes from the English language.

This phenomenon has devastating consequences and, in some cases, fatal outcomes for the person who is a victim. In this article we will delve into the features and characteristics of school bullocks.

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The types of bullying

The "bullies" or class bullies can carry out different behaviors to inflict fear and pain in the person who is a victim of harassment, and new technologies have allowed bullying not only to take place in the classrooms or educational centers, but many victims are even harassed through mobiles or computers. That's why we talk about different types of bullying. They are the following:

  • Physical bullying : Includes physical contact such as kicking, hitting, pushing or tripping.
  • Verbal bullying : It is a type of bullying characterized because the stalker expresses cruel words, threats, insults, etc.
  • Relational bullying : It is the one whose purpose is that the victim does not join the group. For example, not inviting you to parties.
  • Cyberbullying : It happens through new technologies, such as mobile devices or the computer.
  • Carnal bullying : Characterized by sexist or obscene comments, for touching the victim in intimate places or pressuring the victim to do something he does not want.

Consequences of bullying for the victim

Whatever the type of bullying, the victim usually suffers serious problems in his life . Children can experience great panic and avoid going to the school so they do not run into their stalker.

The negative consequences for the victim of bullying are, fundamentally, these:

  • Pathological stress
  • Depression.
  • Guilty feeling .
  • Low self-esteem and negative self-concept
  • Low academic performance and school failure.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Insomnia.
  • Extreme anxiety .
  • Bad reputation and low popularity.
  • Social isolation and loneliness.
  • Problems in their social relationships.
  • Suicidal ideation .

Psychological profile of the school bully

The "bullies" can present physical characteristics very varied. They are tall, short, athletic build, thin ... However, in terms of his psychological profile , it is possible that many stalkers present a series of common characteristics that we explain to you next.

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1. Need to dominate and control others

Stalkers often have an autocratic personality and undemocratic behavior. They have dichotomous thinking , so for them the only opinion that counts is yours.

They like to dominate others and feel superior, because they generally have low self-esteem. That is why look for "easy" and weak victims .

2. Explosive and impulsive temperament

These types of individuals are not usually emotionally intelligent and they do not have great emotional control . They do not possess self-knowledge skills and therefore are not able to manage or regulate them. His character is impulsive and tend to exploit the minimum, giving vent to his anger.

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3. They enjoy and feel stimulated by violence

There are individuals who feel stimulated by violence and enjoy using it to make themselves respected. Bullies seek to feel respected and feared , and the use of violence is one of the best ways to make victims fear their presence. In addition, they enjoy even more when the victims are humiliated in public, since it is an expression of their power.

4. Lack of empathy

One of the most outstanding characteristics that these individuals present is that they lack empathy. They are unable to put themselves in the shoes of many of the people around them and that's why they are so hostile and cold. It is impossible for an individual to harm another if he is able to visualize his suffering and put himself in his shoes.

5. Little capacity for self-criticism and low tolerance for frustration

Being un empathetic and having low emotional intelligence, the "bullies" they are characterized by having problems when it comes to recognizing their mistakes : in them there is no self-criticism.They are people who usually blame others for their failures, and even use other individuals to project their low tolerance for frustration. That is, use them as scapegoats.

6. Intolerant against the differences

The tolerance towards the differences of the others is one of the best virtues that the human being can possess, and it is one of the keys to live in harmony with other people. Respect not only for the difference of aspects, opinions and ideas is what makes us great. Abusers are not tolerant individuals , but they think that their truth is the only one that exists. They tend to be full of hatred and prejudice, so they tend to show sexist and racist behavior.

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7. Rigid thinking

Intolerance makes these individuals possess a rigid thought. They are not people who like to talk (in the sense of exchanging different ideas and points of view) or having a positive attitude towards consensus. What does not fit your ideas or your beliefs is wrong. They possess the absolute truth and because they think that theirs is the only existing truth.

8. Defies the rules

Bullies in school are usually boys with antisocial personality, who are conflicting and who break the rules continuously. And is that antisocial personality is associated with any type of abuse . These individuals are characterized by carrying out irresponsible behavior and hate being controlled. However, they use hatred and anger to control others.

9. Manipulators

They are manipulative people, and their behavior always has an objective: their own interests. They use blackmail to cause fear in their victims and they are lying people. They always blame others before themselves.

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