yes, therapy helps!


Frotismo: symptoms, causes and treatment of this paraphilia - sexology

We go by bus and suddenly we notice that someone is rubbing his genitals against us. We walk through the crowd and we feel our buttocks touching. Although it may not seem like it, these are...

Sexuality in Aging: older people also have sex - sexology

Recently they have talked about Sexuality in the elderly in his latest research Feliciano Villar, Carme Triadó, Montse Celdrán and Josep Fabà; Psychogerontologists with great training and experience....

The 8 best sexologists in Spain - sexology

Sexologists are professionals who treat patients daily who come to your consultations for problems of a sexual nature (erectile dysfunction, lack of desire or excitement, difficulties to reach...

The 6 best sexology centers in Spain - sexology

As we saw in the article "The 8 most frequent sexual problems and how to treat them", both men and women can experience a wide variety of sexual dysfunctions. The symptoms of these can be very...

Vulvodynia: types, symptoms, possible causes and treatment - sexology

Diseases or conditions related to intimate areas, both men and women, are still considered a taboo in our society. What causes that people suffering from a condition of this type live in silence and...

The influence of technology on human sexuality - sexology

The technological advance has generated important changes over time, which apparently are imperceptible. However, when making a comparison between different periods, the transformations that human...

Güevedoces: people who change sex at puberty? - sexology

The process of development of the fetus in the uterus of the mother encloses a whole network of chemical and organic reactions that enable the evolution of the baby. But this development, which works...

The 11 best condom brands (condoms) - sexology

Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV infection and the long-term disease, AIDS, are some of the most widespread health problems worldwide, posing a serious threat to the lives of millions of...

Cuckolding: the fantasy of infidelity - sexology

The concept of infidelity is behind this word is for most couples cause for concern and fear, to the point that can lead to the occurrence of jealousy (justified or not) and even serious partner...

What is the treatment for delayed ejaculation? - sexology

There is a false belief that taking a long time to ejaculate improves sexual relations and increases pleasure, but the truth is that when the orgasm is too long it can become very frustrating, both...