yes, therapy helps!


Sports coaching: what it is and what its benefits are - sport

Coaching is a discipline that has become very fashionable in recent years. And although it receives some criticism, if the professional who applies it is well trained, it can provide excellent...

The role of parents in the sports development of their children - sport

The importance of physical exercise is remarkable in all ages in which it is practiced: from the decrease in the effects of aging to the development of social skills in childhood. And it is at this...

Vigorexia and inner beauty - sport

In a time when the cult of the image is increasingly evident, it is sadly easy for us to get accustomed to maladaptive behavioral reactions from friends, acquaintances, etc. This cult implies, in...

Psychology techniques for sports injuries - sport

Injuries are an experience for which, sooner or later, all athletes pass.However, these physical conditions can sometimes become a big problem if they occur repeatedly or if they affect other aspects...

Why exercise improves your psychological well-being - sport

Recently, in public health, sedentary lifestyle has been proposed as an important factor in the appearance of different chronic diseases, as well as in the increase of psychological distress. As a...

The importance of humility in sports education - sport

The education of values ​​in the sporting context that we develop in the UPAD Psychology and Coaching usually always move for the same contents: respect, companionship, responsibility, effort,...

The use of concentration routines in competition - sport

To this day, it is evident to anyone the importance of psychological variables in sports performance and experience. That a team considered "small" eliminates a "big" going up the tie at home of...

The culture of shouting in the world of football - sport

The management of a group is always a complicated task, but the difficulty increases as the age of the group in question decreases. In soccer or sport in general, we see every weekend that a...

3 moments that could have changed the history of football - sport

At this point, we all recognize the incidence of psychological variables in both performance and experience in sport. Specifically in football, we usually mask them with expressions such as "being a...

Strategies for a successful mental preparation of a Marathon - sport

A Marathon is a test in which you have to run for 42 km in a row, so it requires a physical, tactical, technical and mental preparation of high performance, appropriate to the effort that we are...