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The 14 main social skills to succeed in life

The 14 main social skills to succeed in life

April 1, 2024

Human beings are social beings and, therefore, we must acquire a series of social skills that allow us to live in harmony with those around us , since we need others to survive and to enjoy an emotionally healthy life.

Not having certain social skills determines how we behave when we are with other people and our way of acting can, in some cases, be misinterpreted by others, which can result in a conflict that could have been avoided.

The 14 basic social skills

Social skills are a set of behaviors that we emit when we interact with other individuals and that help us to relate to others in an effective and mutually satisfactory way. Luckily, they can be acquired and developed with practice. However, it can be difficult to master some of them, because you have to be patient and take time to develop them properly

In today's article, we have prepared a list with the 14 main social skills to be successful in your relationships and in your life . Let us begin!

1. Active listening

There is a big difference between listening and hearing . Knowing how to listen is very important in communication with other people and, although we do not always realize it, sometimes we spend more time than we think and what we say instead of actively listening to the other.

Listening actively is not only paying attention to the words that come out of the other speaker's mouth, but also is to be fully aware of emotions and the nonverbal language that the other person tries to communicate.

Active listening is really important when communicating effectively with other people.

Therefore, it is interesting that you take a look at our article: "Active listening: the key to communicate with others"

2. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a very important social skill for many reasons. The assertive person expresses his opinion appropriately and defends his point of view , always respecting the opinion of others. Thus, assertiveness is key to communicate efficiently with other individuals, but also for our own emotional well-being.

But what differentiates assertive people from those who are not? You can find this answer in our post: "Assertive people: 10 characteristics they have in common"

3. Emotional validation

Emotional validation is the understanding and expression of acceptance of the emotional experience of the other person , and improves interpersonal relationships since the other interlocutor feels understood and recognized. When someone feels that they are being understood emotionally, their confidence in the other person increases and they are able to open up, that is, to verbalize what they think and feel. It is imperative to create a good relationship with other individuals

Recommended article: "Emotional validation: 6 basic tips to improve it"

4. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the place of the other and know what you feel or even what you may be thinking . Therefore, it is necessary to be able to have interpersonal relationships with other individuals and to know how to behave towards others. Empathy is also key to adapt to social situations.

Maybe you're interested: "Learning to manage empathy and adaptation: two wonderful qualities of the human being"

5. Negotiation capacity

When we share the day to day with people it is necessary to have a good negotiating capacity . Whether with colleagues or with your partner, knowing how to negotiate is a necessary competition because you can avoid many conflicts. In addition, conflict can arise from any relationship, and learning to manage and negotiate is a healthy and essential way to make relationships work.

6. Respect

People are more willing to relate to us if we show respect towards their beliefs, values ​​and ideas. In addition to respecting your way of thinking, respect can be expressed with a visual contact that indicates sincerity , so that people feel taken into consideration. The lack of respect is one of the attitudes we most hate and that, in some cases, it is hard to leave behind.

7. Credibility

Showing yourself as a credible person is necessary to gain trust with others and, in addition, to persuade an audience. As with respect, credibility makes people show themselves as they are and are more receptive. You always have to be consistent with what is said and done.

8. Compassion

Nobody is perfect and, therefore, we can all make mistakes . Sometimes we are very hard on others, even though they have not done something in bad faith.Being compassionate is key to dealing with other individuals, and acceptance and forgiveness help improve our well-being.

It may interest you: "Forgiveness: should I or should I not forgive the one who hurt me?"

9. Positive thinking

Living life in a negative way will influence how we see the world and, therefore, how we relate to others. Having a positive mindset and dealing with situations with optimism is one of the best ways to live . And, in addition, it attracts other people.

Article to deepen the positive thinking: "25 positive phrases to live day to day with optimism"

10. Emotional regulation

Emotional regulation is a key concept when we coexist with other individuals and it is a necessary competence for life. Being aware and regulating our own emotions is necessary and at the same time helps us to better develop our possibility of favoring one's own well-being and that of others.

11. Openness of mind

A mind free of prejudices and stereotypes is a strength that helps you relate to different people and adapt better to the environment. Mental rigidity and intolerance are undoubtedly a limitation for interpersonal relationships.

12. Patience

Being patient is one of the great virtues that we can possess, especially when we refer to the social environment. If we do not master this ability, anything can bother us and become a big problem. Patience helps to be relaxed and to avoid being more tense than necessary . Before exploding in an attack of anger, better take a few seconds to reconsider. A good way to improve this ability is through Mindfulness.

13. Courtesy

When we are polite and polite to others, they will rarely be ungrateful to us . Behave with respect and in an educated way with others and you'll see how things go much better. Be kind and friendly, it is always a plus.

14. Know how to express yourself

Knowing how to express oneself is key when we relate to others . Regarding the verbal language, it is necessary to be clear and to convey to others the message we want. This seems easy, but it does not always happen that way. Using concrete examples, having a good ability to improvise, vocalize correctly or consider times are useful strategies.

Featured article: "The 10 basic communication skills"

Extra ball

In addition, reading and writing are important to communicate . Reading enables intellectual development and helps to better understand reality. And to master the writing is essential at present, because the new technologies of the information and the communication (TIC) have burst with force in our lives.

10 Essential People Skills You Need to Succeed (April 2024).

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