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The 21 best sentences about Mindfulness or Mindfulness

The 21 best sentences about Mindfulness or Mindfulness

March 28, 2024

The practice of Mindfulness or Full attention It is a philosophy that, despite its millennial origin, specifically in Buddhist philosophy, is fashionable in the West.

Mindfulness, a philosophy in full expansion

One of the keys to the rise of Mindfulness lies in the pace of life of Western societies, because being connected all day to new technologies, our mind jumps from one place to another constantly dispersing our thoughts and emotions and makes us be constantly on autopilot. Many times we lose contact with reality and, what is more serious, with ourselves .

  • If you want to read about Mindfulness: "The 8 best Mindfulness books"

Mindfulness helps us to be in the here and now, connected with our body and mind, and allows us to accept ourselves and the events that happen in our daily life. Mindfulness improves our well-being, and that is why it is used as psychological therapy. For example, with programs such as Cognitive Therapy based on Mindfulness MBCT (Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy). In addition, Mindfulness is also applied in the work, educational and sports environment.

Still do not know Mindfulness? In the following articles you can find very valuable information:

  • What is Mindfulness? The 7 answers to your questions
  • Mindfulness: 8 benefits of mindfulness
  • 5 Mindfulness exercises to improve your emotional well-being

Phrases about Mindfulness

If you have a special interest in this practice do not miss the article today, because we have selected the 21 best Mindfulness phrases so you can enjoy them . Let us begin!

1. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor (Thich Nhat Hanh)

The practice of mindfulness uses the breath as one of the objects of attention. And is that, thanks to focus attention on this, we are able to see the world from another perspective. With mindfulness it is possible to get out of this busy world to see things from another perspective .

2. The worst aggression to ourselves, the worst of all, is to remain ignorant because we do not have the courage and respect to treat ourselves with honesty and tenderness (Pema Chödrön)

Treating yourself with compassion seems easy, but it's not easy . It takes will to carry it out. If we can really love ourselves, our emotional well-being will improve.

3. If you want to master the anxiety of life, live the moment, live in the breath (Amit Ray)

Focusing on the present moment helps us to master anxiety. Because this, many times, manifests itself due to our thoughts or expectations. Mindfulness is useful for the treatment of anxiety and stress, as many investigations show.

4. We must be aware that what causes us discomfort or anxiety are not the events, but how we link the emotions to these (Jonathan García-Allen)

The psychologist Jonathan Garcia-Allen reminds us with this phrase that what makes us suffer many times is not what happens in itself, but how we interpret the events or beliefs we have about what has happened or will happen. Thus, thanks to mindfulness we can be aware and think in a more adaptive way .

5. Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet (Thich Nhat Hanh)

It is good to have goals in life, but you have to go step by step and live in the present moment. Living expectations is a bad option that also makes us constantly ruminate.

6. In the end, there are three things that matter, how we have lived, how we have loved and how we have learned to let go (Jack Kornfield).

Definitely, learn to let go of those things that hurt us is one of the great learnings of life , which has a positive impact on our mental health

7. Be happy at the moment, it is enough. The present moment is the only thing we need, nothing more. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

The present moment is the only thing we can live. The past has already gone and the future will be the present moment someday . Do not waste your energy on something that has not happened yet.

8. The perfection of the character is the following: to live each day as if it were the last, without haste, without apathy, without pretension (Marco Aurelio)

We must slow down our pace of life and begin to be aware of what is happening around us. This is the authentic way to be a little happier .

9. At this time, there is a lot of time. At this moment, you are, precisely, as it should be. At this moment, there is infinite possibility (Victoria Morgan)

The present moment is the only one that really makes sense, and in which we must put all our energy. The future may or may not be as we think. However, If we want a better future, the present is where we must work it .

10. The mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see the world better (Amit Ray)

We can change our way of thinking to see the world with different eyes. Eyes that allow us to be better. It only depends on us .

11. In Mindfulness compassion is key, since it helps us to minimize the impact of the negative things that happen to us. It is not about erasing the negative emotions that certain events may cause us, but about reducing their intensity (Jonathan García-Allen)

Compassion is one of the key elements of mindfulness, and it is extremely beneficial for oneself to treat oneself well . It protects us against adversity.

12. Let your mind go and then be "mindful". Close your ears and then listen (Rumi)

Our expectations dominate our thoughts and they make us have a skewed view of the world. The mindfulness mentality allows you to be more realistic and see the world in a more adaptive and less painful way.

13. Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance (Amit Ray)

Through meditation we can distance ourselves from what happens to us daily, to see it from a more tranquil place. This is good for controlling emotions and making better decisions .

14. Do not believe everything you think. Thoughts are not more than that: thoughts (Allan Lokos)

We interpret the world based on what we already think. Include mindfulness practice in our day to day nhelps you to adopt this non-judgmental philosophy .

15. Answer; no reactions. Listen out; do not speak. Think; do not assume (Raji Lukkoor)

With mindfulness we can let things flow, because we observe the world without judging what happens and leaving our expectations aside. For example, through active listening we listen instead of listening. That means that we pay attention to the other's emotions and non-verbal language, rather than just their words.

16. Meditation is the new mobile device; can be used anywhere, at any time, discreetly (Sharon Salzberg)

Meditation can be used at any time of the day and in any place, and It is a way to go back to the present moment and be calmer and more aware .

17. Mindfulness is not complicated, we just have to remember to do it (Sharon Salzberg).

Mindfulness is not difficult to apply, it only requires practice and discipline . It is the will that makes the difference.

18. Patience has all the time it needs (Allan Lokos)

The mindfulness it helps us to be patient and to focus on the present instead of the expectations . Being patient is one of the great qualities that human beings can possess.

19. My experience tells me that most things are not as bad as I thought they would be (Mary Doria Russell)

Many times we worry too much about things that have not happened yet . Being in the here and now is the best way to put aside these irrational thoughts. Inner peace is achieved through mindfulness.

20. It is curious that life, the more empty, the more it weighs (León Daudet)

A paradox that should make us reflect about the need to find ourselves and have a relaxed and happy interior life.

21. We have two lives. The second begins when we realize that we only have one (Confucius)

The oriental philosopher also proposes a curious paradox . Only when we are aware of our existence we begin to live according to our feelings.

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