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The 26 best quotes of Marie Curie

The 26 best quotes of Marie Curie

April 4, 2024

Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934), internationally known as Marie Curie , was a scientist of Polish origin but who lived most of his life in France.

It was an authentic pioneer in the field of radioactivity, being the first person to be awarded two Nobel prizes in two different specialties: Chemistry and Physics. In addition, she also had the merit of being the first professor at the University of Paris, at a time when the role of women was relegated to low-paying jobs and domestic chores.

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Quotes and famous quotations from Marie Curie

Discoverer of the polonium element and pioneer in the techniques of isolation of radioactive particles , his passion for science caused him to develop diseases related to his continued exposure to radioactive agents.

In today's article we will learn more about the figure of this woman through the 36 best phrases of Marie Curie.

1. The various reasons we have listed lead us to believe that the new radioactive substance contains a new element that we propose to give the name of radio.

Famous words after discovering a new element of the periodic table.

2. It was like a new open world for me, the world of science, which I was finally allowed to know in all freedom.

About his beginnings in the world of chemistry.

3. It is my sincere wish that some of you continue with this scientific work and maintain for your ambition the determination to make a permanent contribution to science.

Certainly, his legacy was very valuable to other men and women of science.

4. You should never be afraid of what you are doing when it is right.

Believe in yourself and your personal ethics, and move on.

5. You will never make me believe that women were made to walk on stilts.

On his refusal to wear heels.

6. We must not forget that when the radio was discovered nobody knew that it would be useful in hospitals. It was a work of pure science. And this is proof that scientific work should not be considered from the point of view of its direct use. It must be done by itself, by the beauty of science and then there will always be the possibility that a scientific discovery will become, like radio, a benefit for humanity.

A great reflection on the practical utility of any scientific discovery, however 'theoretical' it may seem at first.

7. We must have constancy and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something.

Self-confidence is one of the keys that motivate us to improve ourselves day after day.

8. I am among those who think that science has great beauty.

The natural order of things seems to have an incredible coherence.

9. It can be easily understood that there was no place in our lives for worldly relationships.

About his relationship with Pierre Curie.

10. I am one of those who think as Nobel that humanity will extract rather than evil from new discoveries.

An optimistic view of the scientific findings.

11. They taught me that the path of progress was not fast or easy.

One of Marie Curie's most famous and remembered phrases.

12. A scientist in his laboratory is not just a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena that impress him like a fairy tale.

The capacity for astonishment of a scientist remains intact even if the years go by.

13. Nothing in life should be feared, it should only be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so we can fear less.

A very useful reflection to face life with an exploratory spirit.

14. Life is not easy, for any of us. But ... what does it matter? You have to persevere and, above all, have confidence in yourself. You have to feel gifted to do something and that thing must be achieved, no matter what it costs.

Phrase especially motivating.

15. One never realizes what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.

Given the immensity of knowledge that remains to be discovered.

16. I am less curious about people and more curious about ideas.

A maxim that any person of science should apply.

17. There are sadistic scientists who rush to find errors instead of establishing the truth.

A criticism to some of his colleagues.

18. I have often been questioned, especially by women, about how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy.

The prevailing sexism in the society that lived.

19. You can not expect to build a better world without improving people.To that end, each one of us must work for their own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility with all humanity, our particular duty is to help those we believe can be most useful.

A philanthropic vision of life.

20. Humanity needs practical men who make the most of their work, without forgetting the general good, safeguarding their own interests. But humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of a company is so captivating that it is impossible for them to devote their care to their own material benefit.

Looking to the future, Marie Curie was clear about what kind of people would change the world.

21. The best life is not the longest, but the richest in good deeds.

On the intensity of life.

22. There is nothing more wonderful than being a scientist, nowhere would I prefer to be more than in my laboratory, staining my clothes and charging to play.

A youthful look at something as complex as scientific practice.

23. It is important to make a dream of life and the reality of a dream.

His dynamic spirit is reflected in this beautiful phrase.

24. I believe that there is no connection between my scientific work and the facts of my private life.

Jealous of her intimacy, Marie Curie had to face certain prejudices.

25. Sometimes I lack courage and I tell myself that I should stop working, go to live in my country house and dedicate myself to gardening. But I tie a thousand ties and I do not know how I can solve this issue. It is more: I do not know if writing scientific books could do without the laboratory. I do not know if I could do without the laboratory.

A sample of his ability to persevere, although when

26. Life is not easy, for any of us. But ... what does it matter? You have to persevere and, above all, have confidence in yourself. You have to feel gifted to do something and that thing must be achieved, no matter what it costs.

A motivating phrase to apply to your day to day.

TOP 20 Marie Curie Quotes (April 2024).

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