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The 3 types of compliance that affect us on a day-to-day basis

The 3 types of compliance that affect us on a day-to-day basis

April 2, 2024

Compliance is the tendency that leads us to modify attitudes and behaviors such as strategy of recognition of a minority group before the majority group . In other words, it is a practice that helps us maintain self-concept and interpersonal relationships at an acceptable level of stability.

Paradoxically, the term "conformity" can be understood as submission, resignation and conformity; or, as approval, harmony and agreement. This means that it is a complex process in which we can identify different nuances and expressions.

In this article we will see what conformity is according to some classical proposals of social psychology, and what types of compliance are the most common .

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What is conformity?

Something that social psychology has studied for a long time, is why some groups or members of a group tend to modify in an important way their opinions, expectations or behaviors, before other members of the same group .

Hence, concepts such as social influence, obedience and conformity have emerged. The latter is the degree to which members of a group modify their behavior, opinions or attitudes, to avoid being rejected by the other members of the group. That is to say, the modification of the behavior serves so that the minority group or a specific individual can act according to the social norms of the majority.

Compliance then it's not just a social process (Not only is it determined by the majority group we want to belong to), nor is it just a psychological process only (it does not only have to do with the individual attitude).

It is a psychosocial process, because our attitude, behavior and opinions are modified based on the relationships that we engage with others , which makes it possible for the social group to be generated.

In short, conformity consists of modifying one's conduct in the direction of the behaviors, emotions or opinions of the majority, as a way of defending ourselves against their possible rejection; which, in turn, has to do with the relations of authority and power that are established between the majority and the minority.

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Types of compliance

Among other things, theories about compliance reveal the need we have to relate to each other. They make visible the interdependence that characterizes us as human beings ; Interdependence that sometimes transforms into a public obedience that prioritizes private or individual acceptance.

Herbert Kelman is an Austrian intellectual which has contributed in a very important way to social psychology and studies on conformity, obedience and social influence. In the mid-twentieth century developed three types of compliance that have remained in force in much of the studies on the subject.

1. Compliance

The word "fulfillment" comes from "fulfill" which means to execute according to an expectation. In the case of compliance by compliance, it is usually the case that the person agrees with the opinion of the group, maintaining own opinions for herself .

In this case, the division between public and private space is clearly seen: the person defends the opinions of the majority when it is before the public, although in private it maintains its own judgments.

The main motivation in this case is the need to be approved and the fear of being rejected by the majority group.

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2. Identification

Identification is a psychological process by which a person assimilates and adopts certain characteristics of an external model , which can be a group or an individual.

In this sense, compliance by identification is when the person agrees with the opinion of the majority, but only when he or she is perceived as a competent member of the group.

In other words, it originates as an individual is linked affectively with a model by which one feels admiration or respect . It can be a loved one, or someone we recognize as a competent authority.

In this case, the main motivation is the source itself (the model) and the fascination it provokes. This fascination connects directly with our imaginary about the model, with which it is usually a type of conformity deeper and more difficult to recognize.

3. Internalization

Internalization is a process in which Identification with the reference model, or the standard, is internalized , that is, it becomes a fundamental part of our own person. The case of compliance by internalization is when the person stays in agreement with the opinion of the majority even after leaving the group.

In this case, the public and private spaces are mixed: the person accepts the belief, attitude or behavior in both areas, which is also a long-term compliance.

This is usually the most profound. It is motivated mainly because the risk of rejection implies an important malaise, that is to say, arises before the affective recognition that it is easier to correspond with the group , to think or feel that we are having the wrong actions or answers. In this case they connect an affective and motivational dimension (the fear of rejection) with a cognitive dimension (not wanting to be wrong).

Other proposals

Without discounting the contributions of Kelman, social psychology has continued to study and develop theories about compliance. For example, the concepts of "informative social influence" and "normative social influence", which correspond to number 1 and 3 of those presented above, are very popular in recent years.

Bibliographic references:

  • Braga, D. (2016). Social conformity and its relation with the personality in students of the Scientific University of Peru ". Thesis to choose the professional title of graduate in psychology. Scientific University of Peru. Retrieved May 17, 2018. Available at //
  • Kelman, H. (1958). Compliance, identification and internalization: the process of attitude change. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2 (1): 52-60.

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