yes, therapy helps!
The 7 benefits of having a pet at home

The 7 benefits of having a pet at home

April 24, 2024

Currently, it is estimated that approximately 65% of the population live with at least one pet at home . This large percentage gives us to understand, at first glance, that having a pet is much more than feeding a pet and that it gives us more advantages than disadvantages.

In fact, in Psychology and Mind we echoed certain studies that suggest certain psychological and social benefits of living with a cat . On the other hand, our friends Dogs can also help us improve in certain aspects. I recommend you check for yourself by consulting these links:

"Gatoterapia: the psychological benefits of living with a cat"

"The benefits of dog therapy"

And, indeed, we are not misguided: l os pets brings physical and psychological benefits to the whole family . Therefore, many psychologists recommend adopting an animal to treat certain personal skills, and there are even therapies in which animals are the main resource to treat diseases.

What benefits does a pet provide?

The 7 benefits of having a pet in the family home

1. Encourages activity

Having a pet (especially if it is a dog) can mean, for many people, a reason to go out and take several walks every day . Although the main reason for these trips is the benefit of the pet, its owners also benefit from these outings. Especially important in people who follow a sedentary life or with little willpower to move.

2. It helps us to do physical exercise

Beyond going out for several walks a day, having a pet can help perform a more intense exercise , either spend a while in motion throwing any object or exercise intentionally; Many dog ​​owners find in their pet the ideal companion to go running.

3. It helps us structure our time

The human being needs routine to function properly and feel safe and confident. If we have a pet, s we will be the ones who will provide this daily routine , which at the same time, we will be structuring our days too.

4. It helps us improve our sense of responsibility

Have a living being that depends on us makes us feel useful and responsible , characteristics especially important in children's age. And many times, these characteristics arise in an innate way; According to the Affinity Foundation study of children and animals, 90% of children would spend part of their time caring for their animal; 80% would give his favorite toy for him and 75% would get up early to walk him.

5. It helps us express our emotions

A pet is a source of inexhaustible love, and at the same time, teaches us to express emotions such as love, among others .

6. They facilitate socialization

Our mascot can be the ideal topic of conversation that allows us to break the ice when we meet people we do not know too much, or in those uncomfortable situations of silence. Further, can be the link that allows us to meet new friends and enlarge our social circle .

7. Especially important in psychological therapy

Animals are great allies for people with psychological disorders; Therefore, there are many assisted therapies in which animals are the main resource to achieve benefits and improvements in people.

Caring and loving an animal

Given these benefits, the innumerable advantages that a single pet can bring to our lives are evident. All the members of the family, both small and old, can benefit from them . Animals allow us to improve our empathy, our sense of responsibility, our communication skills and expression of feelings and our relationship with the environment.

Of course, having a pet at home implies a great responsibility. We must reflect well on which animal is the one that best adapts to the characteristics of our domicile, and take into account that Having a pet means economic costs and constant attention .

Benefits of Pet Ownership (April 2024).

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