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The best quotes for Weddings and Grooms

The best quotes for Weddings and Grooms

April 4, 2024

Today we have a selection of famous phrases for weddings, poems for weddings and civil celebrations .

If you have friends who are going to get married or you are the one who is going to go through the altar, this is your chance to sign a few dedications about love and courtship. You have to start life in marriage with a good foot!

  • Do not miss this compilation: "100 phrases about love and romanticism"

Famous quotes for weddings and poems for civil celebrations

Without further delay, let's know what are these famous quotes about love how well they can fit into a ceremony like a wedding.

1. Love opens the parenthesis, marriage closes it. - Victor Hugo

2. When two people are under the influence of the most violent, the most insane, the most illusory and the most fleeting of passions, they are asked to swear that they will continually continue in that excited, abnormal and exhausting condition until death separate. - George Bernard Shaw

3. You ask me if you should get married or not; Well, whatever you do you will regret. - Sofócles

4. The age of getting married is much earlier than the age of love. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Phrases and dedications of love and about marriage

5. In marriage it is necessary to have qualities that resist, that last, and great passions happen soon; while a peaceful condition at all times is good. - Mariano José de Larra

6. There are husbands so unfair that they demand from their women a fidelity that they themselves violate, they resemble the generals who cowardly flee from the enemy, who nevertheless want their soldiers to hold the post with courage. - Plutarco

7. The only objection to scientific marriage that deserves definitive attention, is simply that such a thing could only be imposed on unimaginable slaves and cowards. I do not know if the scientific matchmakers are right or do not have it when he says. - Anonymous

Beautiful dedications for weddings

8. I have known many happy marriages, but not one compatible. The whole point of marriage is to fight during the moment when incompatibility becomes indisputable and survive it. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

9. Love is considered theoretically before marriage; in marriage it is put into practice. Now, everyone knows that theories do not always agree with the practice. - Henrik Ibsen


My tactic is to look at you

learn how you are

love you as you are

my tactic is to talk to you

and listen to you

build with words an indestructible bridge

my tactic is to stay in your memory

I do not know how or I know

on what pretext

but stay in you

my tactic is to be frank

and know that you are frank

and that we do not sell ourselves simulacra

so that there is no curtain between the two

no abysses

my strategy is instead

deeper and simpler

my strategy is that any day

I do not know how or I know

on what pretext

At last you need me.

- "Tactics and strategy" by Mario Benedetti

Last night I had a dream.

I dreamed that I was walking on the beach

in your company.

On the night screen

The days of my life were projected.

I looked back and saw footprints on the sand:

one of my prints and another of yours.

When my days are over

I stopped and looked back.

I saw that in some places there was only one footprint.

Those sites matched

with the days of greatest anguish, of greatest fear,

of greatest pain in my life.

Then I asked you:

You said you were going to be with me

every day of my life?

Because you left me alone,

Right in the worst moments?

You answered me:

The days you have seen a single footprint on the sand,

have been the days

in which I have carried you in my arms.

- Footprints, Anonymous

More phrases about courtship and life together

10. The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and you have to rebuild it every morning before breakfast. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

11. When a man marries a second time, it is because he adored his first wife. - Oscar Wilde

12. In every marriage that has lasted more than a week there are grounds for divorce. The key is to always find reasons for marriage. - Robert Anderson

13. When two people are under the influence of the most violent, the most insane, the most illusory and the most fleeting of passions, they are asked to swear that they will continually continue in that excited, abnormal and exhausting condition until death separate. - George Bernard Shaw

So far the famous phrases for weddings

That is all for today! See you soon with new articles and compilations. If you have been wanting more, we recommend this selection of emotional phrases that will reach your heart.

Funny Wedding Speech (Groom) (April 2024).

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