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5 typical negative thoughts of depression

5 typical negative thoughts of depression

April 5, 2024

The symptoms of depression can be expressed in many ways, but in all cases negative thoughts appear. These are ideas related to a pessimistic perception of reality, usually exaggerated to the extreme, and which contribute to the person experiencing them remaining stagnant.

In this article we will see a series of negative thoughts very typical in people with depression .

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The most frequent negative thoughts

Negative thoughts do not only appear in people with depression, but they are part of the most typical symptoms of this kind of psychological alteration.

On the other hand, it is important to be clear that depression does not arise because of having these thoughts persistently in mind. They are another of the clinical manifestations of depression, a consequence of a phenomenon so complex that involves many mental and neurological processes and that can not be reduced to what we can express through language and concepts in general.

Thus, negative thoughts are one of the superficial facets of depression; but not superficial, they are no longer relevant, given that the attention Wears away people's quality of life very much . Therefore, it is good to recognize this kind of ideations and be aware that they do not offer a realistic image of what is really happening around us. In the next lines there are several examples of negative thoughts.

1. It does not make sense to get out of bed

This is one of the negative thoughts that denote apathy, that is, lack of motivation and initiative, very typical of those who experience symptoms associated with depression.

The characteristic of this thought is that not only do you believe in it intellectually, but you also feel that it is true. In fact, it responds much more to a state of mind, or to the general lack of energy and illusion for life , that to a rational analysis about what life is and if it is worth living it or not.

Therefore, those who feel this way do not even have to make efforts to improve unless someone helps them, since they can not afford to invest work in practically nothing.

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2. Nothing that happens is authentic

Those who hold this belief adopt a completely passive attitude about what happens to them, and interpret reality in a way similar to who is watching an uninteresting movie.

It is one of the negative thoughts related to the de-realization, that is, the feeling that what is experienced is not real , or it belongs to a plane of reality that does not interest or is not that of oneself.

3. I will never do anything useful with my life

Despair in terms of one's life project is also expressed through low expectations in oneself and in what the future will bring. Therefore, this negative thought is one of the most frequent among those who present depressive symptoms.

However, in many cases this belief is not lived in a tragic way. Some people experience depression with deep sadness, but others do not even feel that, and their psychological state has more to do with indifference.

Because, the idea that you are not going to progress in life may not cause discomfort , and be just another evidence that the future is not relevant because the present is not.

4. The fault is mine

People who tend to manifest negative thoughts sustain a style of attributing causes to the facts in which they are the main harmed. The discomfort associated with this pessimism means that in any situation where there is the possibility of blaming oneself, it is done.

So, many times you fall into the trap of believing that the guilt of practically everything bad that happens is of oneself. The explanation is that low self-esteem and lack of motivation to seek more elaborate explanations it leads to fix oneself, even in situations in which one is the victim.

5. No one loves me or respects me

This is the definitive negative thought that damages the social relations of those who hold it in mind during the day to day. It is a belief that cuts out potential affective bonds we may have with people from our close social circle, and weakens those that were consolidated (such as those with other family members).

Do not forget that negative thoughts are not only directed against oneself, but also have consequences in the way we relate to others .

What to do to get out of pessimism?

Negative thoughts that have deep roots in oneself, such as those that appear with depression, can not be dissipated only through rationality and reflection . Professional help from psychologists or psychiatrists is needed.

To learn more about how to contact mental health professionals, see this article: How to find a psychologist to attend therapy: 7 tips "

Bibliographic references:

  • Beck, J. (1995). Cognitive therapy: basic concepts and deepening. Edited Gedisa.
  • Bellino, S .; Patria, L .; Ziero, S .; Rocca, G .; Bogetto, F. (2001). "Clinical Features of Dysthymia and Age: a Clinical Investigation". Psychiatry Review. 103 (2-3): 219-228.

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