yes, therapy helps!


Wilhelm Wundt: biography of the father of scientific psychology - biographies

In the history of Psychology there are few figures as relevant as Wilhelm Wundt.In the 19th century, this researcher caused scientific psychology to be born and was one of the first to face the...

Viktor Frankl: biography of an existential psychologist - biographies

Viktor Frankl is one of the most untouched figures in the history of psychology. As creator of the logotherapy, Frankl approached the treatment of mental alterations from an existentialist...

Noam Chomsky: biography of an anti-system linguist - biographies

Today there are few thinkers and researchers with the reputation of Noam Chomsky. His interventions in the media are constantly circulating on the Internet, the interviews he offers have massive...

Howard Gardner: biography of the American psychologist - biographies

Howard Gardner (United States, 1943) is an American psychologist and educator who has devoted a large part of his life to research. Gardner is popularly known for his Theory of multiple...

Jerome Bruner: biography of the impeller of the cognitive revolution - biographies

Jerome Seymour Bruner (United States, 1915 - 2016) is one of the psychologists who have most influenced the development of psychology in the twentieth century, and it is for a good reason. After...

Daniel Goleman: biography of the author of Emotional Intelligence - biographies

Daniel Goleman is one of the most famous psychologists of recent years, due to the international best-seller of his book: Emotional Intelligence (1995).Although the concept of emotional intelligence...

Anna Freud: biography and work of the successor of Sigmund Freud - biographies

When talking about psychoanalysis it is almost inevitable to think specifically about Sigmund Freud, a historical character who, beyond supposing the beginning of a current of thought, has become one...

Jean-Claude Romand, the story of a pathological liar - biographies

90's. A quiet village in the south of France, Prèvessin-Moëns, and a case so shocking and chilling that even the specialists responsible for carrying out the psychological evaluations could not give...

Alfred Adler: biography of the founder of Individual Psychology - biographies

Neither psychoanalysis nor psychodynamic psychology can be explained by knowing only the work of Sigmund Freud.In fact, psychotherapy based on the fundamental ideas of psychoanalysis has three great...

Erich Fromm: biography of the father of humanistic psychoanalysis - biographies

Normally psychoanalysis has been associated with a pessimistic view of the human being, according to which our behavior and thoughts are directed by unconscious forces that we can not control and...