yes, therapy helps!

Cognition and intelligence

Intelligence is inherited from the mother, reveals science - cognition and intelligence

The intelligence is one of the most recurrent topics in Psychology and Mind. In addition to having a whole section devoted to various monographs, investigations and theories about intelligence, today...

Are you smarter than the average? 11 signs that confirm it - cognition and intelligence

What is intelligence? Many theorists have tried to define intelligence, and it is not easy. Different theories propose different ways to measure our intellectual capacity, from Howard Gardner's...

How do we think? The two thought systems of Daniel Kahneman - cognition and intelligence

According to author Shanon M. Koening, people have 60,000 thoughts a day and most are negative. Such a shocking figure makes us think about how little we know about thinking and the great influence...

The five intelligences of the human being - cognition and intelligence

If someone releases a phrase similar to "you are an animal!", We should not be offended. DWe should feel comforted that he has perceived our energy and vital capacity and that they have realized...

The routines and the mentality of creative people - cognition and intelligence

Living involves solving (or, at least, try to solve) a series of daily problems that never cease, of greater or lesser importance depending on the circumstances, luck and personality of each one.Most...

9 tips to improve concentration (supported by science) - cognition and intelligence

According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, concentration it is "the action and effect of focusing intently on something".For our daily life, it is important to learn to concentrate....

7 strategies to develop intuition - cognition and intelligence

One of the keys to success in life and in business is the intuition. People with great ability to intuit are able to guide themselves with much more success on the paths of life.Intuition is defined...

The 12 types of intelligence: which one do you own? - cognition and intelligence

Intelligence is one of the features most valued by our society, along with beauty or health. This construct is often seen as a trait that you have or do not have, so it is common to talk about...

Musical intelligence, the eternally undervalued capacity - cognition and intelligence

For decades now, the concept of intelligence has a strong impact on the life of the human being.The IQ tests are applied in the selection of personnel and in school environments, the fact of...

Personal talents: more than 20 tips to develop them - cognition and intelligence

Talent: a somewhat unknown concept. Throughout this article we will try to describe what talent is and show several strategies, techniques and habits to develop it.Cases of talent wastedJuanHe is...