yes, therapy helps!


5 incredible benefits of reading books for your brain - neurosciences

Reading is not simply a small daily great pleasure; Currently there are studies that show the benefits that this activity has for our brain.And there is no activity that does not leave a mark on our...

Cerebrospinal fluid: composition, functions and disorders - neurosciences

It is popular knowledge that the brain is located inside the skull, being protected among other things by this and by different membranes, such as the meninges.The correct functioning and protection...

What are the axons of neurons? - neurosciences

Neurons are nerve cells thanks to which we are able to think, feel, make decisions and, even more, have awareness.However, although the concept of "neuron" is well known even beyond laboratories...

What are the dendrites of neurons? - neurosciences

The different parts of the neurons tell us a lot about how these small cells work of the brain.Neural axons, for example, with their elongated shape similar to a cable allow electricity to travel...

Spinal cord: anatomy, parts and functions - neurosciences

When we think about the nervous system, we usually think almost exclusively about the brain.Focusing on this organ is logical due to its special relevance, but it is often forgotten that the nervous...

What is neuronal depolarization and how does it work? - neurosciences

The functioning of our nervous system, in which the brain is included, is based on the transmission of information. This transmission is electrochemical, and depends on the generation of electrical...

Spinal bulb: anatomical structure and functions - neurosciences

In his daily life, the human being performs a large number of behaviors and actions. We shower, we go to work, we talk and interact with others, we walk, eat or go to bed. We carry out most of these...

Sympathetic nervous system: functions and travel - neurosciences

When something scares and alarms us, our body reacts by causing different alterations in the body. Our breathing and heart speed up, our mouth dries, our muscles receive more blood flow, our pupils...

Autonomic nervous system: structures and functions - neurosciences

Throughout our lives we perform a lot of actions. We run, we jump, we talk ... All these acts are voluntary elements that we do voluntarily. However, also we do a lot of things that we are not even...

White substance of the brain: structure and functions - neurosciences

The human brain is a complex structure. If we observe it from the outside, we see a gelatinous mass of an approximately grayish color, with numerous protuberances, grooves and circumvolutions that...