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100 phrases to think and daydream

100 phrases to think and daydream

April 25, 2024

Life is not as simple as it may seem at first. As much as in modern society we are bombarded with slogans and advertising phrases that appeal to action and with films in which the good guys are very bad and the bad ones are clearly bad and, in general, we see every day fictional characters that represent stereotypical forms of living life, the truth is that reality, our relationships and even our personality are full of nuances and gives rise to all kinds of phrases to think .

Everything around us can lead us to reflection, if we pay attention enough, and everything can make us wiser. The experiences that can impel us in our personal development are everywhere, you just have to be able to recognize them, become sensitive to them.

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100 phrases to think and build your own criteria

Many thinkers and intellectuals have come to this conclusion throughout centuries of history, and today they have left us a fantastic legacy in the form of sentences to think about. Taking these phrases as a first ingredient to forge your own criteria about things is a good way to train in the art of reflection.

Of course, the best thing is not to just read them and that's it. If they are phrases to think it is, precisely, because they open a window to the world that extends beyond the conventions and common sense. It is worth spending at least a few seconds of reflection.

A space for reflection and critical thinking

So, if you want to stop taking for granted many things and build a way to understand reality, start with these phrases to think can be a good start. The sentences are numbered but do not occupy a place in the list according to a certain criterion.

1. The truth may be out there, but the lies are in your head, by Terry Pratchett.

2. Revolutions are the locomotives of history, Karl Marx.

3. The secret of humor is the surprise, of Aristotle.

4. Science is magic that works, by Kurt Vonnegut.

5. To love is to act, by Victor Hugo.

6. If you want a thing to be well made, do it yourself, by Napoleon Bonaparte.

7. There is nothing permanent, except the change, of Heraclitus.

8. We can not help everyone, but everyone can help someone, from Ronald Reagan.

9. All our knowledge starts from our experience, from Immanuel Kant.

10. Writing is fine, thinking is better, by Herman Hesse.

11. Start by what is right rather than by what is acceptable, by Franz Kafka.

12. A wise man never loses anything if he has himself, by Michel de Montaigne.

13. From the difficulties are born miracles, by Jean de la Bruyere.

14. In the disease, the most important thing is not to lose the heart, of Vladimir Lenin.

15. We must distinguish between faith and expectations, from Ivan Illich.

16. The mind is the effect, not the cause, of Daniel Dennett.

17. Morality is the herd instinct of the individual, Friedrich Nietzsche.

18. The only thing that we should fear fear is the fear itself, of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

19. All oppression creates a state of war, by Simone de Beauvoir.

20. Life is neither good nor bad, but a place for good and evil, by Marco Aurelio.

21. Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste, by Charles Bukowski.

22. Freedom is something that dies if not used, from Hunter S. Thompson.

23. You can not find peace by avoiding life, by Virginia Woolf.

24. Silence is a faithful friend who never betrays, of Confucius.

25. The lack of money is the root of all evil, Mark Twain.

26. Fame is the thirst of youth, of Lord Byron.

27. The imagination decides everything, Blaire Pascal.

28. The more one judges, the less one loves, by Honoré de Balzac.

29. Men have become the tools of their tools, by Henry David Thoreau.

30. It takes a dash of madness to do great things, by Henry Rollins.

31. Each act of creation is first an act of destruction, by Pablo Picasso.

32. Man is an intelligence at the service of his organs, of Aldous Huxley.

33. Only the poet can look beyond the details to see the full picture, by Helen Hayes.

34. Every man confuses the limits of his field of vision with the limits of the world, by Arthur Schopenhauer.

35. Perfect numbers, like perfect men, are very rare, from René Descartes.

36. Character is a set of habits that remain for a long time, Plutarch.

37. Salta, and the network will appear, by John Burroughs.

38. Do not fear it perfectly, you will never reach it, by Salvador Dalí.

39A truth that is said with bad intentions overcomes all the lies that can be invented, by William Blake.

40. We live on the brink of the miraculous, of Henry Miller.

41. Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress, of Mahatma Gandhi.

42. The art of living well and dying well are the same thing, of Epicurus.

43. Children are educated by what adults are, not by what they say, by Carl Jung.

44. Sometimes, vices are only virtues led to excess, by Charles Darwin.

45. It is difficult to free the fools from the chains they revere, from Voltaire.

46. ​​Everything has its moral, if you know how to find, Lewis Carroll.

47. Sometimes even living is an act of courage, by Seneca.

48. Friendship is a mind in two bodies, of Mencius.

49. There is no subject so old that nothing new can be said about it, from Fyodor Dostoevsky.

50. Measure what can be measured, and measure what is not, of Galileo Galilei.

51. A powerful idea communicates part of its strength to those who question it, by Marcel Proust.

52. The future belongs to those who prepare for him in the present, from Malcolm X.

53. Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it, by Edmund Burke.

54. For there to be good poets, there must be good publics, of Walt Whitman.

55. What you are will be revealed in what you do, by Thomas Edison.

56. To know life, you have to love many things, by Vincent Van Gogh.

57. Adults are obsolete children, by Dr. Seuss.

58. The price of freedom is the eternal vigilance of Desmond Tutu.

59. Being funny is not anyone's first choice, from Woody Allen.

60. Creativity requires the price of letting go of certainties, by Erich Fromm.

61. A man full of courage is also someone full of faith, of Cicero.

62. Peace if possible, the truth at any price, of Martin Luther.

63. There is not a friend as faithful as a book, by Ernest Hemingway.

64. The truth is what works, by William James.

65. Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue, by Ambrose Bierce.

66. To mortals, life gives us nothing without hard work, from Horacio.

67. The only abnormality is Anaïs Nin's inability to love.

68. Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion and knowledge, from Plato.

69. What matters most is the effort, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

70. To think is not to agree or disagree, that is to vote, of Robert Frost.

71. No one is free, even the birds are chained to heaven, by Bob Dylan.

72. There is no force as democratic as the strength of an ideal, by Calvin Coolidge.

73. The lower you fall, the higher you will fly, from Chuck Palahniuk.

74. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of knowledge, by William Arthur Ward.

75. Nothing is as strong as the extreme need of Euripides.

76. People do not mind being bad, but never want to be ridiculous, of Molière.

77. Nobody understands neither the pain nor the joy of others, of Franz Schubert.

78. Man should strive to think hard and know little, of Democritus.

78. Only the educated are free, from Epictetus.

79. The greatest evil is the physical pain of Saint Augustine.

80. Hell is the others, by Jean-Paul Sartre.

81. We forge the chains that we carry in life, by Charles Dickens.

82. Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic, by Cesare Pavese.

83. Everything we see is a dream within a dream, by Edgar Allan Poe.

84. Peace begins with a smile, by Teresa of Calcutta.

85. The best revenge is the overwhelming success of Frank Sinatra.

86. Politics is not related to morality, of Machiavelli.

87. Nationalism is a way of oppressing others, of Noam Chomsky.

88. No one has justice, only good or bad luck, from Orson Welles.

89. There is no more sin than stupidity, by Oscar Wilde.

90. It is not living what matters, but living correctly, of Socrates.

91. If you do not act according to what you think, you will end up thinking as you act, Blaire Pascal.

92. Oblivion is the only revenge and the only forgiveness, by Jorge Luis Borges.

93. Who controls the media controls the mind, of Jim Morrison.

94. Pride is the most fatal of the councilors, of Ramón María del Valle-Inclán.

95. Cowards die many times before they reach their death; the brave ones only prove the death once, of William Shakespeare.

96. Everything is generated from the will power of oneself, by Ray Bradbury.

97. Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forward, by Søren Kierkegaard.

98. The less you read, the more damage you do as you read, by Miguel de Unamuno.

99. A civilization is destroyed only when its gods are destroyed, by Émile Cioran.

100. Fiction is about what it means to be a human being, by David Foster Wallace.

Can you think of more famous quotes to think and reflect?

If you can think of more phrases to think about, do not hesitate to put them in the comments section .

Fantasy thinking creates pain. Here is how I stop daydreaming and appreciate this moment as it is. (April 2024).

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