yes, therapy helps!

Drugs and addictions

Methadone: what is this drug and what is it used for? - drugs and addictions

Heroin addiction carries risks such as contracting diseases, developing liver problems, overdosing or consuming very toxic products mixed with the drug, in addition to interfering greatly in daily...

Alcoholic neuropathy: causes, effects and treatment - drugs and addictions

Neuropathies, or clinical disorders of the nervous system, are a large group of heterogeneous diseases that affect the nerves responsible for making the body work. While some affect the peripheral...

Alcoholism: these are the effects of drinking dependence - drugs and addictions

Alcoholism is a health problem caused by compulsive use of alcohol, which is capable of generating physical and psychological dependence. It is an excessive intake, problematic, difficult to control...

Hallucinogenic mushrooms: these are their effects on our mind - drugs and addictions

If it's natural it can not be bad, right? Guided by this fallacious reasoning there are many young people, and not so young, who firmly believe that the consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms will...

The effects of ayahuasca: what does this hallucinogen do? - drugs and addictions

In recent decades it has become very popular ayahuasca, a drink with hallucinogenic effects used by the peoples of the Amazon many millennia ago to which they attributed mystical properties. In...

Metacualona (Quaalude): history, effects and uses - drugs and addictions

Methaqualone, which is commonly referred to as "Quaalude", one of its commercial names, is a sedative that was very popular as a recreational drug in the 1960s and 1970s. References to this drug...

Consumption and crime as identity producers - drugs and addictions

Consume, commit a crime, consume again. The problematic consumption and the compulsive act of committing crimes can be thought in the framework of a process of construction of subjectivity. This is a...

Combining alcohol and marijuana has these effects on the brain - drugs and addictions

Alcohol and cannabis are two of the most consumed psychoactive substances in the world, if you exclude some less intoxicating ones like caffeine and theine. Since the initial effects of these two...

Marijuana: 4 reasons to understand why it is not safe - drugs and addictions

Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that when entering the body alters it generating stimulating, depressant and hallucinogenic effects. It can produce in the first instance euphoria, then...

This is how LSD creates sleep states while awake - drugs and addictions

Psychedelic substances such as LSD They have always been involved in the controversy about its use, but there is no doubt that its effect on the organism reveals interesting aspects about the human...