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Educational and developmental psychology

14 relaxation exercises for children (step by step) - educational and developmental psychology

The childhood is the initial stage and one of the most important of the development, marking to a large extent the way of seeing and experiencing the world of the human being. Beginning with birth...

Overprotected children: 6 educational errors that damage them - educational and developmental psychology

The desire to want children to enjoy the most of that stage of life can lead to child overprotection with astonishing ease.What at first may seem simple help and emotional support, sometimes, it gets...

Learning philosophy makes children improve in math - educational and developmental psychology

Learning is an essential process in the development of the human mind. Part of this is thanks to the education we receive in schools and institutes, although it is true that not everyone is given the...

The 6 stages of childhood (physical and psychic development) - educational and developmental psychology

Childhood is the stage of life that goes from birth to youth. However, within this phase there are also different moments that mark the rhythms of the child's development, both physically and...

'Dear Professor': a video to understand the student with ADHD - educational and developmental psychology

The majority of children with Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity o ADHD manifests an incongruous behavior: they are smart and cunning, but their performance in the classroom is poor, they...

Vicar learning: observing others to educate us - educational and developmental psychology

When we propose to learn something, we do not always do it through our direct experience; Many times we look at what others do.This is called vicarious learning, a phenomenon that, however simple it...

How to prevent child sexual abuse - educational and developmental psychology

According to Save the Children, 23% of girls and 15% of children living in Spain they suffer sexual abuse at least once before reaching 17 years of age. The percentages are especially serious...

How does emotional development occur in childhood? - educational and developmental psychology

In the last decade, the rise in the study of emotions and their influence on the psychological well-being of the human being has revolutionized the conception of these, giving them a role as...

Finland will eliminate school subjects and give children freedom - educational and developmental psychology

The Scandinavian countries stand out as being among the richest in Europe and, in addition, for offering a good educational model. However, with them, Finland shows a curious trend: despite not...

Good school does not stifle creativity, it enhances children's talent - educational and developmental psychology

Often the educational system is criticized for using a methodology based on rigidity and in the memorization of contents. Only in a few countries, such as Finland, is this model being questioned, and...