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Emotional education: 13 very useful strategies for children

Emotional education: 13 very useful strategies for children

April 27, 2024

Emotional education is key to the present and future well-being of the little ones . In the last decades, a concept has burst in with force in the field of Psychology, as much in the clinic, labor, educational and sport, it is the emotional intelligence.

  • Emotional intelligence has shown many benefits, as we explained in our article "The 10 benefits of emotional intelligence"

How to educate in emotional intelligence

In the following lines we propose a series of strategies and tips for emotional education in children.

1. Teach you that you can not always have what you want

One of the great conflicts with which we humans often find ourselves is learning to master our impulses. Emotional intelligence is key so that we learn to manage them; Now, before, it is necessary to be able to identify them.

That is why it is important to start teaching them from childhood that they can not always have what they want . For example, whenever possible it is necessary to explain the consequences of their actions. With this type of actions self-control is encouraged.

  • Related article: "Self-control: 7 psychological tips to improve it"

2. Let him express emotions

Some adults believe that children are too young to understand certain things. But already at an early age We must trust our children and allow them to express themselves freely, also their emotions . If we give them a space of comfort so that they can trust us with their feelings, we will be giving them a positive message that they can apply in other contexts, for example, the school.

  • Recommended article: "The 8 types of emotions (classification and description)"

3. Create a space for dialogue

It is not necessary to treat children as adults, but it is necessary to encourage dialogue, to learn at an early age. This is important for children to grow up with the necessary dialogue skills to become people capable of negotiating and reaching agreements with other people. In the world of adults, interpersonal relationships are important to achieve mental and emotional well-being .

4. Work empathy

Empathy, that is, putting oneself in another's place, is also one of the most important elements of emotional intelligence and, therefore, should be taught when children are small. This is also important to ensure that the previous point is carried out, because that way they will be able to agree and agree in a democratic way. Empathy is key to letting go of their egocentricity.

5. Teach you to self-motivate

Self-motivation is also essential in emotional intelligence, but it is common for many people, in the face of failures, to become pessimistic. Make him understand that failures are opportunities to grow and to stimulate them in this sense at an early age is essential for them to become optimistic people.

6. Use the example

Sometimes it is easy to tell others what we have to do, but especially when it comes to educating a child, we should be a good example for him or her . It is a fundamental point, because parents are role models for their children, something we should not forget. This is another of the practical keys of emotional education.

7. That they learn active listening

Listening is not the same as hearing . We can hear what someone says to us but be thinking about our turn of conversation without the other interlocutor having finished his, or we can listen with the five senses, that is, actively listen. When someone communicates with us, they not only express what they say in words, but also speak their nonverbal language and emotions. Paying attention to this is key to fully communicate with other individuals.

  • If you want to teach a child how to develop active listening, you can read our article "Active listening: the key to communicating with others"

8. Give examples to solve your problems

Developing the problem-solving capacity is necessary to adapt to the changing environment in which we find ourselves . Not only children, but adults are also overcome by negative emotions. If we give children examples, it is easier for them to learn to manage their emotions and the conflicts that surround them.

9. Emotional self-knowledge

The first step to becoming an emotionally intelligent person is know your own emotions and label them . For this, it is possible to perform different exercises such as, for example, the emotional diary. In which they can write how they felt throughout the day and reflect on the experience. It is important that the

10. Stories

The use of stories is an ideal alternative for children to increase their emotional intelligence, something that will positively influence their well-being. In the market there are different stories for children to develop emotional intelligence . Adults, on the other hand, can read some of the books that appear in the list of our article "10 books on emotional intelligence that you need to read".

11. Videos

Books are an interesting strategy to emotionally educate the little ones; however, another educational resource in this sense is to use audiovisual content, which is entertaining and at the same time formative.

Recommended article: "15 films about emotional intelligence that you should see"

12. Congratulate and highlight the positive aspects of your learning

Positive reinforcement is one of the most common forms of teaching , but it is also highly effective, especially at these ages. Whenever the child does something that is related to emotional education, you can reinforce his action, so that he understands that what he has done is right and reflect on it.

13. Exercises

Many experts believe that emotional education should be mandatory in schools , since emotions are an important part of our life and affect our behavior and our emotional state. If you want to know some practical activities to emotionally educate the little ones, in our article "8 activities to work on emotions" you can find a great selection of exercises.

5 Incredibly Fun GAMES to Teach Self-Regulation (Self-Control) | Early Childhood Development (April 2024).

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