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Forensic and criminal psychology

The 7 types of gender violence (and characteristics) - forensic and criminal psychology

A woman arrives at the hospital due to a series of injuries. A bruise on the eye, burns, scratches on the back, fractured wrist, damage to the genital tract, a history of visits to the hospital for...

Profile of the gender violence abuser, in 12 traits - forensic and criminal psychology

Despite the relatively progressive progress in the search for equal rights for all members of society, gender violence is still a frequent problem in our society.Psychology has tried to work both on...

Feminicide (murders of women): definition, types and causes - forensic and criminal psychology

Inequality and gender violence are recurrent in the history of societies. With the advance of feminist movements these issues have gained a much greater visibility than they had a few decades ago in...

10 signs that characterize abused women - forensic and criminal psychology

Abuse and gender violence they have become two concepts increasingly visible in politics and health and, of course, also in the world of psychology.This, however, contrasts with the fact that many...

What is the difference between evidence, evidence and evidence? - forensic and criminal psychology

Most people are used to hearing terms such as evidence, evidence and clues. Whether we have read them, seen on television, work in the legal or expert field or simply by general culture, these...

Psychological profile of the animal abuser, in 7 traits - forensic and criminal psychology

Animal abuse is a phenomenon that exists with some frequency in our society, because you only have to take a look through social networks to realize that there are many individuals that hurt, torture...

The polygraph: does the lie detector really work? - forensic and criminal psychology

The polygraph, commonly known as a lie detector, has become part of our society since it became known at the end of the 30s and by the hand of John Augustus Anderson and Leonarde Keeler, its...

The 12 invisible effects of psychic abuse - forensic and criminal psychology

Psychological abuse is often the most difficult type of abuse to recognize because their scars are not visible to the naked eye. Unlike physical and sexual abuse, it does not leave marks, wounds or...

The psychological profile of the killer, in 6 typical features - forensic and criminal psychology

Murder is one of the most serious crimes that can commit the human being, and yet one of the oldest. From prehistory to the present, cases of people who have decided to end other people's lives in a...

Crime, personality and intelligence: how do they relate? - forensic and criminal psychology

Psychological research has tried to determine the relationships between delinquency and psychological variables mainly through correlational methods, which involve difficulties in establishing...