yes, therapy helps!

Social psychology and personal relationships

When returning home after living in another country is a problem - social psychology and personal relationships

Going to live in another country is not only a cultural shock at the time of arriving at the new house and adapting to the local customs of the foreign land. Many times, It also means a second shock,...

Why is it sometimes hard to look someone in the eye? - social psychology and personal relationships

Looking someone in the eye during a dialogue is essential. Then it is very noticeable when someone is avoiding the look of his interlocutor, and in these cases it is assumed that maintaining visual...

Do we value more what we achieve with much effort? - social psychology and personal relationships

I am going to tell you about an experiment carried out with children some years ago.The procedure consisted in the following: two toys (robots, for example, emitting sounds and flashes of lights)...

The 10 benefits of having friends, according to science - social psychology and personal relationships

Authentic friendship is one of the most wonderful things that can happen to us in this life. Having someone faithful in whom to trust and have fun, having their support in the ups and downs of life...

Forcing children to kiss and hug: a bad idea - social psychology and personal relationships

It is very common for one of the steps to acculturate the smallest of the house (that is, to make them internalize the culture in which they live and deal with the people in their environment) go...

Gordofobia: hatred and contempt towards obese people - social psychology and personal relationships

In 2005, psychology professor and researcher Kelly D. Brownell, along with Rebecca Puhl, Marlene Schwartz and Leslie Rudd published a book called Weight Bias: Nature, Consequences and Remedies.In...

How to stop being homophobic and accept the difference - social psychology and personal relationships

In western countries there is a strong tradition based on discrimination against homosexual people. This cultural characteristic (which also appears and has appeared in many other societies) has not...

Chameleon effect: when we imitate the other without realizing it - social psychology and personal relationships

If you are a regular in documentaries about nature, you will surely have noticed that animals do all sorts of bizarre things to adapt better to the environment. One of the most striking strategies...

Fundamental Error of Attribution: pigeonholing people - social psychology and personal relationships

It has been a long time since cognitive psychology is observed to what extent we manipulate our interpretation of reality to fit our schemes. Not only do we not perceive things as they are, we...

What is hembrismo and how is it different from feminism? - social psychology and personal relationships

In the world of social sciences and cognitive psychology, the biases related to sexist attitudes generate a lot of interest. However, around this issue there are many terms that generate confusion in...