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The 10 best academic search engines to investigate in science

The 10 best academic search engines to investigate in science

April 27, 2024

The amount of scientific articles that get published in academic journals can be impressive, but that does not mean that finding the results of certain research is easy. In fact, faced with such a large number of scientific papers, university students or simple onlookers may find it difficult to find the information they are looking for and separate the grain from the chaff.

Fortunately, there are several academic search engines online that allow us to more easily access information related to those investigations that interest us. Both in psychology and in any other field of knowledge, these are very useful digital resources to learn or to have material with which to build a thesis or a university work.

The combination of these specialized search engines and extensive databases avoids having to go through the experience of filtering and finding very specific content in general search engines such as Google.

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10 recommended specialized search engines

This selection of search engines specialized in articles and academic publications can be very helpful to quickly access articles on research, books written by experts and theses. Some of them are more specific than others and some of them are better at filtering content and avoiding duplicities, but all are easy to use .

You can access them by clicking on their name.

1. Dialnet

One of the best-known specialized search engines in Spain . The Dialnet database contains, above all, academic publications in Spanish related to the humanities and social sciences in general. In addition, all the options are written in Spanish, which allows it to be very useful for a greater number of people in Spain and Latin America.


A search engine for free content that can be read online. It is not specialized in sciences and does not allow to filter very well beyond the language of the contents, but it can be very useful for quick searches and, in addition, includes very specific topics that can be very helpful for students . In addition, its mode of use is very simple.


The academic search engine of the National Center for Biotechnology Information is especially interesting for find publications on medicine and molecular biology . It includes the recurrent search engine that works with the PubMed database.

4. Google Scholar

The Spanish version of Google Scholar allows much more specific searches than its big brother, the best-known search engine in the world. Further, It offers the option to see in which publications the article is mentioned , the book or the thesis that interests us to follow up on that line of research.

5. Redalyc

This is, possibly, the best-known Spanish virtual hemeroteca in Spanish. Its name is composed of the acronym of Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, and is the option perfect for those people looking for academic publications in Spanish (although it also includes some in English).

This complete specialized search engine allows you to view scientific articles without leaving the page, and also allows you to create a profile as an author to identify your own publications.

6. SciELO

Originally, this specialized search engine was created to respond to the difficulties of distributing academic content in the poor countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, although today the collaborative network on which it is based has crossed these borders.

The website has a version in Spanish, English and Portuguese, and is one of the best known of its kind in Latin America .

7. PsycNET

This specialized psychology search engine of the Merican Psychological Association is especially useful for finding publications related to behavioral sciences , although for free you only have access to the abstract. If you decide to pay, however, it is very useful because of the completeness of the advanced search option.

8. World Wide Science

One of the most complete academic search engines with a more intuitive and visual interface. In addition, the words searched can be translated automatically and in real time to find results in several languages. It is useful to access specialized publications that have been produced in different parts of the world .

9. HighBeam Research

This is not a search engine as specialized as the others, since includes articles, citations and books that are not necessarily framed in the scientific or academic . Its added value is rather in its versatility and in the intuitive way in which its search system has been designed.


The Spanish version of the search engine for scientific publications of the government of the United States. Use more than 60 databases and has the support of 17 public scientific organizations. In addition, it is one of the oldest online specific search engines, taking into account that it started operating in 2002.

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