yes, therapy helps!

Clinical psychology

Bruxism (teeth grinding): causes, symptoms and treatment - clinical psychology

If when you wake up in the morning you feel a headache and unexplained discomfort in the jaw, you may have developed an unconscious habit called bruxism and that manifests especially while...

Eating disorders and the internet: a dangerous mixture - clinical psychology

According to Association Against Anorexia and Bulimia (ACAB), 11% of young Spaniards are at risk of suffering from some type of eating disorder. It is a health problem that affects girls in a special...

8 habits that can lead to depression - clinical psychology

Depression is a disease, or set of diseases, that at the moment belong to the realm of what is relatively little known by science.Little is known about what factors can trigger the onset of...

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: causes and symptoms - clinical psychology

The functioning of memory in human beings is one of the most complex and difficult aspects to study in the field of psychology and cognitive sciences.However, there are a number of disorders that...

Symptoms and signs of personality disorders - clinical psychology

We have all heard someone call someone paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic or obsessive-compulsive.They are ways of speaking, so we do not have to give more importance, but we must be aware that these...

Compulsive overeating: abuse and addiction to food - clinical psychology

Binge eating disorder is a type of addiction in which the affected person performs periods of compulsive overeating of food (without the subsequent purgative behavior characteristic of bulimia...

When the children get married and the family home is empty - clinical psychology

When couples get married, they initiate the marriage adventure; with great enthusiasm they dare to dream, to create projects in common, they enjoy themselves as a couple and sometimes they wait for...

The disorders induced by drugs and toxic substances - clinical psychology

As we already know, drugs affect our body in different ways and carry various alterations in our physical and mental health.When there is an abuse of some substance, we can suffer intoxication and...

Gender dysphoria: being born in the wrong body - clinical psychology

Many people feel relatively well with their body; At most, they think they would be better with another type of hair, with more or less kilos on top, or with a more muscular body.But nevertheless,...

The use of irony and humor in psychotherapy - clinical psychology

Irony is a serious thingIt is a great human resource, even though Freud has labeled it as a defense mechanism.Lately, its importance has been reassessed in therapy, and this element has been...