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Dynamics to improve the confidence of young people

Dynamics to improve the confidence of young people

April 19, 2024

The adolescent period is a complex and confusing time during which the person experiences all kinds of changes. Both our body and our mind are transformed and prepare us for the arrival of adulthood.

All these changes and transformations have an important effect on the confidence of young people, which can be reinforced or, on the contrary, be significantly damaged. Luckily, there are a series of guidelines or dynamics that can be carried out from home to improve the confidence of young people , as well as your self-esteem.

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How is trust during youth?

The correct development of self-confidence is of vital importance in adolescent times, so knowing how to reinforce it from home can be of great help to them. Strengthening confidence during your youth helps promote psychological development and self-confidence. This security is the basis for the person to face the outside world in a healthy and beneficial way.

Self-confidence refers to the perception one has of one's capacity to carry out any act, project or to solve any type of problem. Habitually, people who have great confidence in themselves tend to perceive situations of change as something they can face without fear and generate strategies to solve them much more easily.

The achievement of high and solid confidence levels will lay the foundations for the correct development of other psychological constructs of vital importance for the person. Among these constructs are the development of a correct self-esteem, as well as the acquisition of autonomy that allows him to face the world on his own and in a satisfactory way.

However, this is an arduous and difficult process at a time when changes are the order of the day. Therefore, stimulation and reinforcement from home can promote the development of a solid and positive self-confidence.

It is necessary to understand that this help is not always going to be well received by adolescents, who feel the need to go through this stage alone or with the company of their peers, but not with their parents. This fact should not generate frustration in the parents , they must understand that it is part of the stage the children are going through and that they can also help them.

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8 guidelines to improve youth confidence

Observing how children grow is not an easy task, the stage of adolescence is a delicate moment for both children and parents, the relationship between them can become confusing and, at times, tense.

The need for autonomy of the adolescent, together with the parents' concerns and the desire to help, may imply a conflict in their relationship. However, parents can play an active role in the development of the children's trust, without their perceiving it as an act of overprotection.

Below we offer 9 guidelines or suggestions that parents can carry out to enhance the confidence of their children without the relationship between them being affected:

1. Recognize and reinforce your progress

Although they do not show it constantly, the opinion parents have of their children is important to them. Therefore, if parents spend much more time talking to their children about their mistakes and failures, they may end up thinking they do not know how to do anything right , that only have defects.

In this way, talking about the successes, applauding their achievements and reinforcing them positively will favor safety and confidence in themselves and motivate them to improve.

2. Being close parents

Close is not equal to overprotective. Young people feel the need to know that their parents will always be by their side no matter what happens. To perceive the home and the family as a refuge to go to When things are not going well is extremely important to maintain the confidence of the adolescent, although in many cases the behavior and words of this say the opposite.

3. Ask for your opinion

Ask for the opinion of the children, as well as take them into account, every time you have to make a decision at home makes them feel important. Knowing that your ideas are taken into account can strengthen your confidence, and will help you create problem solving strategies that will be extremely useful in the outside world.

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4. Support your interests

Although the interests of young people are not always in line with those of parents, the latter should support them in discovering their hobbies and curiosities.

Adolescence is characterized as a confusing stage, in which young people are not always clear about what they want to do with their lives or their free time, so it is very likely that they will go from one activity to another until they find the one that really motivates them.

In either case, parents should always be understanding and reinforce their interests, as this will be what their children remember.

5. Spend time with them

This point is closely related to the previous one. Spending time with the children, doing the activities that they like, will help them to strengthen their confidence and motivation to continue with it.

6. Let them choose for themselves

The ability to make one's own decisions it is one of the things that most favors the development of trust, although later these do not go well.

Although parents feel the need to guide the children, they must perceive that they have a high degree of autonomy and, as we said earlier, even if they are wrong, their parents will be with them.

7. Let them learn from their mistakes

This point is closely related to the previous one, the ability to make decisions always has the possibility of being wrong, so, even though parents suspect that something is not going to be right, they must allow it to be wrong.

In the same way, they also have the obligation to let the son solve his own problems. In these cases, parents can express their support and can even propose possible solutions, but never impose them.

8. Be careful with criticism

There are many ways of saying things and criticism usually end up creating a barrier between parents and children. Advising always enhancing the positive aspects of the young is much more constructive than devote to examine and judge their behavior or their tastes in a negative way.

Improve Your Self Esteem in Just 2 Weeks (April 2024).

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