yes, therapy helps!


The 5 types of meat, their properties and disadvantages - nutrition

Meat has always been one of the main ingredients used in diets of a good part of human cultures and societies. Its consumption is as old as the origins of our species, and its nutritional...

The 9 types of creatine: nutritional properties and uses in diet - nutrition

Nowadays, a high percentage of the population exercises frequently, in many cases in the gym. Among those who do, many have the sole objective of losing weight and maintaining the line, but others...

What happens in your brain when you eat chocolate or cocoa? - nutrition

With the arrival in Europe of the different fruits from the American continent, the fury for cocoa, and consequently for chocolate, soon expanded, becoming one more food in the cuisine of any place...

Differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger: eating without need passes bill - nutrition

Hunger is an instinct of all animals, including the human being. It is a need of first rank that pushes us to direct our actions towards the achievement of a very simple objective: to look for and...

How to eliminate anxiety for food, in 7 steps - nutrition

In the act of eating, although it may seem only a physical act, psychological variables also intervene. For this reason, in recent times, there is a certain awareness of how the emotional state...

Eat for anxiety: why it happens and how to control it - nutrition

Anxiety problems they are one of the main reasons for consultation in psychology clinics. The effects of this can interfere in all areas of our life, including our eating habits.In many of the...

The 4 differences between being a vegan and a vegetarian - nutrition

With the arrival of new times, there is also a new way of relating to the environment and, of course, to the beings that inhabit it. Our ethical stance on how we treat animals has evolved, and in the...

Thyme infusion: how to prepare it, and its properties for health - nutrition

Chamomile, rosemary, oregano or lavender are highly known and valued plants since antiquity, which the human being has used in a variety of ways throughout history.We probably recognize them mainly...

Pomegranate: 10 properties and benefits of this healthy fruit - nutrition

Five pieces of fruit a day. This is the recommendation that a large number of experts make regarding the need for vegetable consumption in our diet in order to make it balanced and healthy. And if...

Pink salt of the Himalayas: is it true that it has health benefits? - nutrition

Salt is and has been throughout history a fundamental element in our diet, serving both in the preparation of dishes and when it comes to preserving food. It is, at least in the case of those used...