yes, therapy helps!


16 foods to fight anemia from today - nutrition

Anemia is the most frequent blood disorder, and occurs when the body does not produce enough red blood cells (and therefore insufficient levels of hemoglobin) to transport oxygen to the muscles and...

What is the difference between food and nutrition? - nutrition

It is common for many people use the terms "nutrition" and "nutrition" interchangeably; however, and although both are closely related, they do not mean the same thing.Nutrition is a vital...

What exactly is a kebab? Nutritional properties and risks - nutrition

Pizzas or hamburgers have always been pioneers in the ranking of fast food or junk food, but for a few years now, kebab has also become fashionable in developed countries.Döner kebab in Turkish,...

Psychology of the feeding: definition and applications - nutrition

Psychology and nutrition are two disciplines that are linked, as are psychology and sports.That is why, in recent years, there is a growing awareness of how food affects our emotional state or how...

13 benefits and properties of olive oil - nutrition

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most healthy and balanced that exist, and is a set of eating habits typical of the peoples of the Mediterranean basin. It is attributed certain...

The 11 benefits of papaya, a delicious tropical fruit - nutrition

Of sweet and refreshing flavor, papaya is a fruit that is especially striking because of its exotic orange color and its pear shape.It is a fruit native to southern Mexico and Central America, which...

12 benefits and nutritional properties of watermelon - nutrition

Summer is already here, and at this time of year eat fruit much more. Fruits are low calorie foods with a high content of water, so they help keep us well hydrated, which is especially important at...

Astringent diet: how to carry it out and benefits - nutrition

There are different types of diets, and most people associate them with the weight loss process. But not all have that function, nor are all diets healthy. One of the diets that aims to improve our...

12 keys to avoid snacking between meals - nutrition

Snacking is a behavior that is characterized by eating out of hours in small quantities. Anxiety, boredom, hunger, meetings with friends and poor management of meals, among other causes, can lead us...

10 ideal breakfasts for athletes - nutrition

Expert nutritionists always claim that breakfast is the most important appetizer of our daily diet. Well, demonstrated by recent studies and dietary monitoring for athletes, it has been found that to...