yes, therapy helps!


Projective tests: the 5 most used types - personality

Although they are reviled by many psychologists, projective tests such as Rorschach and thematic apperception can be very useful in assessing the personality of adults and minors.In this article we...

Type C personality: features of this behavior pattern - personality

The type C personality pattern, characterized by the inhibition of negative emotions and the presence of depressive features, has been associated with the evolution of cancer once this disease has...

The theory of the personal constructs of George Kelly - personality

The theory of the personal constructs of George Kelly He was ahead of his time in describing the human personality in a way similar to the constructivist models that have become popular in recent...

The main theories of personality - personality

Personality, understood as the relatively stable set of trends and thought patterns, information processing and behavior that each of us manifests throughout life and through time and different...

The theory of the personality of Ivan Pavlov - personality

The Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) He is known above all for being the initiator of the paradigm of classical conditioning, also called "Pavlovian". However, Pavlov and his...

The theory of the personality of Sigmund Freud - personality

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of psychoanalysis, developed several models to explain human personality throughout his literary career.In this article we will analyze the 5 theories of Freud...

How to be more cheerful? Science responds - personality

Joy is one of the most valued positive emotions. Who does not like to surround themselves with optimistic people who live life with joy? Although they say that joy is contagious, it has a lot to do...

Test (or Study) of Gordon Allport Values - personality

The Values ​​Study, a personality test prepared by Gordon Allport, Philip Vernon and Gardner Lindzey, was one of the first psychological instruments that were developed with the objective of...

The factorial-biological theory of the personality of Jeffrey Gray - personality

The personality theory of Gray is framed in the biological and factorial paradigms; This means that it explains the differences between individuals based on variables related to the nervous system...

The interpersonal theory of Harry Stack Sullivan - personality

The interpersonal theory of Harry Stack Sullivan on the development of personality It is one of the best known in the field of psychoanalysis.In this article we will describe the main concepts and...