yes, therapy helps!


Be positive - personality
April 2024

Many are the authors and scientific researchers who claim that the type of personality directly or indirectly affects our physical health.There are different ways of being from each that increase or...

This is the body language of each personality type - personality

Communicating is essential for the human being, being necessary to live in society and be able to understand and make us understand. Fortunately, we have a very useful tool for this: language. But...

Psychological profile of a psychopath, in 12 unmistakable traits - personality

The term "psychopathy" It is unclear to most people because multiple meanings are attributed to it. In fact, even within psychology this word is used to designate very different realities, the most...

The psychological profile of Adolf Hitler: 9 personality traits - personality

If someone asks us the name of some of the people who have generated more deaths throughout modern history, it is easy to come to our mind the name of Adolf Hitler.This German military man and...

The theory of the personality of Marvin Zuckerman - personality

The theory of the personality of Marvin Zuckerman is known especially because it introduced the factor called "Search for sensations", which has had a great influence in the field of personality...

Differences between personality, temperament and character - personality

In everyday language the terms "personality", "temperament" and "character" are often used interchangeably; However, from Psychology, clear limits have been established between these three...

Differences between the antisocial personality and the asocial personality - personality

Even though the antisocial and asocial personality are often confused in the common language, the truth is that it is two ways of being very different: the first is considered pathological because it...

The Theory of Individuality by Royce and Powell - personality

The concept of "personality" has given rise to a great diversity of theories that try to explain what it is and how it can be measured and studied. Some authors have tried throughout the history to...


We have spoken on several occasions about narcissism. This way of being close to the pathological refers to those people whose admiration for themselves is exaggerated.Of course, this way of thinking...

This is the personality of those who love solitude and are not afraid of being single - personality

There are many stereotypes about men and women who feel predilection for loneliness. It is often said that they are misanthropic individuals, with social problems or even that they are not able to...