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3 important aspects to adapt to a new country

3 important aspects to adapt to a new country

March 23, 2024

The process of change that involves living in another country is a situation that anyone can appreciate as a psychological destabilizer.

There are different reasons in which people decide to move from one territory to another, emigrate (improvements in personal stability, search for opportunities, difficulties in the country of birth), and this change brings with it a set of elements that are important to consider.

Emigrating, a demanding challenge

Migrating without adequate preparation can result in a poor adaptation to the new site, feeling guilty, a feeling of sadness expressed in a sense of emptiness, discouragement and frustration for not understanding what is happening are some of the elements that can make the transition difficult.

This is why it is important to consider the following three aspects to consider.

1. Self-awareness: knowing oneself to face hard moments

From the theory of emotional intelligence, self-awareness is the key point to overcome and be successful in any situation , basically it is to recognize that you are feeling at the moment (joy, sadness, guilt) and what is the reason for this emotion, to know yourself to facilitate social and cultural readaptation in the new context, understanding and feeling will allow an adequate management of our emotions promoting pleasant feelings.

It is natural that in some cases there are feelings of loneliness , due to the physical distancing of relatives and places of habit, sadness and nostalgia for the desire to see loved ones or to be in usual places before. Understanding these feelings is to allow them to be kept in a shorter time, questions such as: what am I feeling and what reason have I to feel it? What do I feel I need? What can I do to improve my mood?

2. Open to the new human and physical environment and enjoy the new situations

In a study carried out by Pacheco A, Luca I, and colleagues in 1984 with young Puerto Ricans, they developed the phases that the process of adaptation in another country follows.

A. Phase of fusion between the self and the environment

The first of these is the fusion phase between the self and the demands of the environment: this phase suggests the ability to be flexible and yield to the demands of the environment, at this stage you can try new clothes, doing different activities or experiencing new tastes and interests, adapting it to your values ​​and personality .

B. Conflict differentiation phase

The second is the phase of conflict differentiation or its isolation from the receiving environment, suggests an open criticism of the new environment considering a possible isolation of the environment and the society in which they find themselves . In this sense, changes in culture in general represent a challenge for migrants who sometimes find it difficult to assimilate and accommodate their own personal structure.

Identify what causes us confidence and liking the environment in which we are will propitiate the discovery of oneself . On the other hand, expanding experiences and learning will enrich the vision with which the world is perceived.

C. Hierarchical integration phase

The last is the phase of differentiation and hierarchical integration, after finding situations and places where it is possible to feel confident and comfortable, for example, a particular job, some sports activity or something as simple as a place that is pleasant to go . Any alternative that is found will allow the integration of a new vision model of the panorama , and as a result we will have benefits such as the increase of self-esteem, personal development finding new ways of thinking, feeling and living.

3. Think positively

As previously mentioned, the adaptation to another country can be perceived as destabilizing , represents the fall of a paradigm of habits and habits that were usually maintained. That is why in the process are going to trigger situations that depending on how we perceive us will affect us to a lesser or greater degree (difficulties to get employment, change of diet or food, stress and anxiety or eventual limitations).

The theory of positive thinking offers to be able to improve and place us in the success of our plans with greater ease. Think positively is objectively assess reality being able to find solutions and alternatives to each challenge, thinking from this approach allows you to be aware of the weaknesses but direct attention to the benefits, teaching and learning of each situation. Allowing the approach the motivation, the predisposition to take appropriate decisions , and in general to a suitable attitude before the new change. With this vision all obstacles will be opportunities to improve.

In this way we can find in employment difficulties an opportunity to expand the landscape, be an explorer of creative ideas, be an entrepreneur in what you like and find a way to be successful.

The process of migratory change represents a challenge that few people dare to take , this is why those who venture to live an experience such as adapting to residency in a new country must be willing to acquire the skills and abilities to succeed in the experience. If you are going through a situation of adaptation to another country you should consider that you are an enterprising person and that, probably, your adventure will bring you extraordinary experiences and moments.

Foreign Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #50 (March 2024).

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