yes, therapy helps!

Forensic and criminal psychology

Homicidal sleepwalkers: 5 unusual cases of accidental death - forensic and criminal psychology

Throughout the world there is a large number of people suffering from sleepwalking; it is known the fact that These people roam the house and sometimes perform complex actions, and even household...

The 7 sequels of victims of gender violence - forensic and criminal psychology

Much has been discussed about gender violence in recent days on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, celebrated on November 25. Through this article we...

The 6 types of stalkers and their motivations - forensic and criminal psychology

Social relationships are complicated, and that is why it is very easy for things to go wrong at times. But this does not happen only with those people with whom we interact voluntarily. Sometimes,...

When gender violence becomes subtle: much more than a blow - forensic and criminal psychology

Physical violence, psychological, economic, sexual, symbolic abuse is called gender violence that are produced towards women by the simple fact of being a woman. This does not mean that there are no...

What is sexual violence and what consequences can it leave? - forensic and criminal psychology

After the scandalous sentence issued on the trial of five men who sexually assaulted a young woman, a large part of the population has been shocked, generating a social debate in relation to sexual...

Filicidio (murder of the own children): its 5 types and motivations - forensic and criminal psychology

Our children are probably the people that most of us most want. These are fragile creatures that we have seen born, that have needed and conquered us from the moment they came to the world and for...

Criminal psychology: how is a serial killer? - forensic and criminal psychology

Psychology of the serial killer, criminal psychologyPerhaps because of the alarm it generates, because of its harshness or the intellectual challenge that its study demands, the serial murders have...

Life and psychological portrait of Ed Gein,

Read the first part of the story of Ed Gein: Life and psychological portrait of Ed Gein, the butcher of Plainfield (1/2)(…)The news about the disappearance of Mary Hogan It caused a great impact in...

Types of psychopaths: the aggressive, the destabilized and the withdrawn - forensic and criminal psychology

Today we talk about the three types of psychopaths. If you still do not know exactly what psychopathy is, we recommend that you take a look at the article "Psychopathy: what happens in the mind of...

Differences between psychopathy and sociopathy - forensic and criminal psychology

Most experts in the areas of psychology, psychiatry and criminology conceives that the Antisocial Personality Disorder It is a heterogeneous category, although the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical...